
Werder Bremen: Nach Muffel-Start met Ole Werner zum Grinsi | Sport

Schluss with schlechter Werder-Laune!

For the Auswärtsspiel in Mainz (Sonntag, 5.30 pm), Ole Werner is shown in the locker and having spent a long night. At the press conference, the coach introduces a small quiz: “The last Mannschaft, which won in Mainz, heißt? Genau. SV Werder Bremen.”

Werner is the right choice. And that is what I saw in the Anschluss and the Dortmund-Spiel (0:0) Marvin Ducksch and Marco Friedl with my criticism in the coaching of the Laune-verhagelt and for all general expectations.

But there is no point in bad mood. Werner has control over the war that is being carried out by Scherzen.

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Source: SID

Werner goes to Werder-Grinsi

Dabei ist de sportliche Situation nicht ohne. Saisonübergreifend is playing unshelled twice, eight times. Other things arose in that Saison – wie für Mainz – first two Pünktchen heraus. At a Niederlage in Mainz, work in the table cellar is a fact and then you arrive at the Rekordmeister Bayern. Fehlstart-Gefahr!

Werner will not erase any further changes in play. ‘After eight of these films, a man can first see a Fazit, who stands in the story of his competition and has come to terms with the season. After three games, it is not special from series,” he laughs Wernerder seine good Laune damit erklärte, that „heute so a schöner Tag ist.“

The next day we live in Mainz am Sonntag. Dazu roars is different when Dortmund is a Tor. The game is about the BVB war in 93. Pflichtspiel is Amtsantritt the first zero number for Werner. “That’s the first 0:0 war, with a great result,” tough Bremen Coach.

In Mainz it concerns the Doppel-Sturm Njinmah/Ducksch wieder klingeln. Werner said: “It is an uninteresting outcome for both teams. Mainz played with the long ball, with a freestyle opening. It’s exciting, but it’s worth it.”

And after the Spiel gute Laune hat!