
Ig Nobel Prize: Von Tauben-Piloten bis zu schockierten Kühen | Living & Erasing

Ig Nobel Prize: Von Tauben-Piloten bis zu schockierten Kühen | Living & Erasing

The long term was that Medizin-Entwicklung was not possible. But both studies are part of the law: what is everything?

As a result, the people who receive the Ig Nobel Prize for their curious business dealings will come involuntarily and unwillingly. “Unworthy” in German means “unehrenhaft”. They will now be lost to the 34th edition of the scientific journal “Annals of Improbable Research”.

And in those years the research into the Siegern will continue:

Flying like bomber pilots

First and foremost is a project on the Zweiten Weltkrieg. Dem US-Psychologists Professor Burrhus Frederic Skinner gelang es, Vögeln beizubringen, Raketen zu steuern. Ways of Skepticism American soldiers and the direction of the project is not for Einsatz.

Beim Sieger-Projekt sollten Tauben z Bomberpiloten bebildet

Beim Sieger-Projekt sollten Tauben z Bomberpiloten bebildet

Photo: BF Skinner Foundation

The geography of the hair vortex

▶︎ The Anatomie Prize goes to a French Science Team. Es wolllte erase, ob Hair whorl menschlicher Köpfe auf der Nordhalbkugel in the gleiche Direction wie auf der Südhalbkugel.

Ergebnis: Insgesamt ist der Rechtsdrehende Wirbel auf der gezen Welt wesentlich häufiger.

Schockierte Kühe geben keine Milch

▶︎ American scientists Fordyce Ely and William E. Petersen have received the Biology Prize for an Experiment with Kühen. The paper is on the backs of the Kühe plates. I want them to recover, when the Knall dies Milk production to work out.

It is a very bad thing: if you stop the Milchfluss, if you brace yourself.

The botanical prizes that a Forscher brings with it are the nachweisen-konnten, that is a real plant form of the form of an artificial plastic plant nachahmen.

The Botanical Prize awarded to Forscher, who can still eat, is a real Pflanzen that Formen beachbarter künstlicher Plastikpflanzen nachahmen


Raising coins with know-how

With German Academy core a mathematical study. If you say that the coin in the air is “wackeln”, you are recruited. If you choose the Truth, go to the other countries, with your high words.

▶︎ Dafür wurden in 650 Stunden more as 350 000 Münzwurf-Experimente mit 44 verschiedenen Währungen durchgeführt.

…even more Curiosities

A prize went and the Uni Hamburg: Forscher bewiesen, dass valsche Medizin with schmerzhaften Nebenwirkungen effective signal can if valsche Medizin ohne schmerzhafte Nebenwirkungen.

If you are able to swim with other people, mice, rats and water after eating, you can swim with trout.

A Japanese team of scientists has won the physiology prize for the nachweis, it may be that the anus is affected by the anus

A Japanese team of scientists has won the physiology prize for the nachweis, it may be that the anus is affected by the anus

Photo: Ryo Okabe