
Curbs of digestion and: 5 Superfoods are good for the intestines

Curbs of digestion and: 5 Superfoods are good for the intestines

Are you a leader among Beschwerden, wie Blähungen, Verstopfungen and Co.? Then it is worth testing these nice Superfoods, a product that you can not use.

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Before all people are grown up, most people’s portion sizes are full and heavy, the person is tired and the consumption does not go into the mess at all.

When the Intestine goes along the work, the Verdauung leads a huge chance. Bauchschmerzen, a bloated Bauch and constipation are high enough to follow.

Fortunately, a superfood that never tastes better could be one of the best things to get your mind back on track.

1. Flowing together

Hide de fungen als een unangehmme Sache, but schnelle Hilfe ist on dem Weg: Flohsamenschappen.

The Superfood products probably contain no bulk materials more than 15 percent of the unprocessed substances, the amount of water added and the psyllium husks.

Thanks you will understand if you are in the Dickdarm situation. By going together, there was a wash of 10 to 15 parts in volume – the display would rage and blockages were released.

If the desired work was done, they would be taken into account by two or more Teelöffels. What is it, fell zu trinken.

The Faust rule: A Teelöffel Flohsamen in 200 ml Wasser, rinse thoroughly, drizzle and then drizzle a more Glassstilles Wasser (250-300 ml).

The detergent is urgently used to work together. If you wash the Flohsamen, it is an ideal solution when you fall through the fall – also an all-round talent.

2. Leinsamen

The Secret Superfood! With 35 Gramm per 100 Gramm machen Ballaststof more like a Drittel der Inhaltsstoffe of small Körner from. It is the power of Leinsamen that is so unclear to the Verdauung.

During the Schleim- and Quellstoffe, which is in the scale for everything, the stomach will “close” and the person will remain seated longer.

One of the cores that makes profit is one of the two products that you can use. It is ideal when we are getting smaller together, when we are no longer scraped. If you want to eat yogurt, porridge or overnight oats, this is done.

Aber Vorsicht: Zu große Mengen der Samen cannot be nur dauungsfördernd, without also abführend wirken.

On the beach falls: When the water comes out of the water, it is a high flow of liquid containing 250 milliliters per 1 piece of water, which can prevent the fungus from ending.

3. Hanfsamen – correct behavior for the intestines

Hanfsamen have not found any mineral substances containing proteins and essential oils, which bring part of the intestine into the water.

You can remove some of the sources of Nährstoffen from other sources and activate the whole general Intestinal function. The power is ideal for the Helfern with Congestion, Blähungen and Verdauungsstörungen.

By transporting goods from the Darm you can easily do shopping and transport gifts.

Combine the man who works together with the combination of things and gemstones, which has a positive influence on a regularly recurring stuhlgang.

Do you have any more arguments for these superfoods?

4. Chia-Samen – special in terms of bulk materials

If we ever make a favorite, it’s a great Superfoods. And that’s true!

Neben fell Eiweiß enthalten die Samen auch reichlich Ballaststoffe – fast 38 Gramm per 100 Gramm der kleineen Körner. Damit heard Chia-Together zu de ballaststoffreichsten Lebensmitteln anyway.

The power is so great that the Verdauung is so healthy. It is customary that the durable products and gift items are spült from the sales treat.

The enthaltene plant phases are based on the intestinal bacteria of the intestinal flora, which have an important influence on the functioning of the organs.

5. Scharfer-ingwer

If there are no more small grains, you can make a good choice on the Verdauungstrakt – also Ingwer will be positive about the Verdauung aus.

It is not due to the ballast materials that fall under the old Schärfe. While this period of government is the speichelfluss and the Magensäfte, the Verdauungsprozess beschlenigt and the Nahrung lichter verdaut become.

The best drinks man who after warming the water gets a fresh mixture from a fresh geriebenen Knolle. Or the man is small, but then with Ingwer-Shot. It brought a good assessment of the immune system in Schwung.

Für einen gesunden Körper: Superfoods in integrated business management

Chia-Samen, Ingwer and Co. have had none of the positive effects on prosperity or any other positive effect.

Therefore, it is best to use these Superfoods regularly for an optimal positive effect.

So a man can start with a mixture and some yogurt toppings in the tag and stock the kitchen with good stuff tomorrow.