
“Wilder Mann” in Ostrau: Mit Sturheit zum Erfolg

“Wilder Mann” in Ostrau: Mit Sturheit zum Erfolg

“Wilder Mann” in Ostrau: Mit Sturheit zum Erfolg

The Verein “Kulturdenkmal Wilder Mann” started a year ago. Was there in that time it was created, it is still there.

By Sylvia Jentzsch

4 minutes

There were news reports after historical records restored. The war is now possible with the support of sponsors.

There were news reports after historical records restored. The war is now possible with the support of sponsors.
© Dietmar Thomas

Jahnatal/Ostrau. Sincerely our friends have lived in the community “Kulturdenkmal Gasthof Wilder Mann”.

Ihr Ziel war der Erwerb und de schrittweise Sanierung des Kulturdenkmals. If you go to the Bemühungen, then the Gasthof with Barocksaal and Hotel for the Verfall zu retten.

“Jetzt is standing, the Citizens and the Government were always happy to have them. The ehemalige Gasthof ‘Wilder Mann’ is no longer healthy. This is the end of life,” said Bürgermeister Dirk Schilling (CDU).

The Gasthof

The Gasthof “Wilder Mann” existed before 1900 as a Jugendstilbau. We would like to make use of the frequent access to the guest house. Danach is always the best person of citizens, the object is there. 2007 the hotel was built and there
© SAE Saxon Newspaper

A spark has been created that has led to some optimistic expectations a few years ago. Sturheit is the hereditary guarantee. With the execution of the fachlich-decorations you can better view your sanitary facilities and make them last longer. People have realized that the association can change its plans.

A strong team

“If there are Helfer and Unterstützer who go their whole year through, so how the Erfolg federeführend fünf Namen. The representative of Monika Fischer, his Mann Wolfgang Hofmann, Heike and Tilo Grundmann and Bernd Sonntag, is the leader who has never lived as long as Dirk Schilling.

Possessions in the business world are the first work and business activities. The Gasthof „Wilder Mann“ is a cultural monument, where the architects Torsten Kühnrich-Benthin with Boot are employed. A start has been made with the preparation and the gemeinsam set up with the vereinsvorstand of a building plan.

As long as the erdgeschoss is, in the guesthouse and the sanitary facilities are found, brought to Vordermann. The restoration of the large bleached glass windows at the entrance began in 2014. Tile designer André Hlozek from the Firma Mahrenholz finished the new window and a glass was again the Bleigläser.

Eingangsbereich nach historical Vorbild

Ebenfalls 2014 would be the Außentreppe, the Treppengeländer and the Vordach abgebaut. The entrance area was restored in 2016 after the historic Vorbild. Action is a matter of thinking protection. The Gründungsjahr des Vereins began with the abschnittsweise Sanierung der Fassade, which erhielt an ockerfarbenen Anstrich.

In 2015, the restoration of the facade of the cultural monument was begun. After the restoration of the original access to the original, the restoration of the names to historical sources can take place.

In 2015, the renovation of the facade of the cultural monument was begun. After the restoration of the original access to its original state, the restoration of the name is shown after a historical history.
© André Braun/Döbelner Anzeiger

The Dresden Academy of Art began with the free time of the dean and the analysis of the colours. The work at the Baroque hall was carried out by the two restorers Thomas Höhne and Matthias Steude.

Once you are organized, and the power has never been so great, then the little party and the money is worth a little money, after the citizen has gained power, the Baufortschritt zu versolgen.

Barrier-free access

Every year the Vereinsmitglieder der breiten will use to give the tag of the insulting ideas a hint about the Kulissen. Mithilfe von Fördergeld could be used in the „Wilden Mann“ a back toilet and a few Fahrstuhl.

The policy that has hit the German Federal Executive Veronika Bellmann (CDU) and the SPD Federal Executive Hennig Homann is, after the guest in the world of thought, one of the financial institutions. Great support is obtained by the Association of the German Foundation for the Protection of Thought.

In the year 2018 you go to the cultural thinking of a newcomer in the ball. In this case this could happen. The establishment of a parquet floor would be complicated by the wall operation that the Farbe-afgeschliffen, the Doors to the Side stages überarbeitet and the Stage front hanging, the new electric operation can be, with financial substantiation of the Sparkasse Döbeln erneuert.

A crown for the ballroom

The history was restored after the historical record. The war is now possible with the support of sponsors.

The history was restored after the historical record. The war is now possible with the support of sponsors.
© Dietmar Thomas

It is important to ensure that the final result is the best possible outcome. The i-Punkt setzte der Verein with the installation of the Kronkelaars, the nach historical Vorbild was restored. The war of these investments is now going through the large expenditure bereitschaft of Firmen and Bürgern.

Were you involved in the Festival and Ball Hall, you will experience a great role in the time of the passing of the Jahrhunderts, in the Prunk and Liebe zum detail a great Role play, zurückversetzt. “We were always amazed by what was created here in the past years,” so the Bürgermeister.