
43 Ärzte verlieren Job: Notfall-Praxis in Sursee LU muss nach Gerichtsurteil schliessen

43 Ärzte verlieren Job: Notfall-Praxis in Sursee LU muss nach Gerichtsurteil schliessen

The Notfall practice takes place in the area of ​​the Kantonsspitals. (Archivbild)
The Notfall practice takes place in the area of ​​the Kantonsspitals. (Archivbild)


After 13 years Betrieb muss die Notfall-Praxis in Sursee LU schliessen. Grund is a Federal Court of Justice.

No time? Blue News fast for these sisters

  • After 13 years Betrieb muss die Notfall-Praxis in Sursee LU schliessen.
  • Grund is a Federal Court of Justice.

The Federal Court has taken into account that the emergency leave requirement for temporary medical appointments is no longer applicable in permanent settings. If you make a decision on the practice of housekeeping in the Kantonsspital, the decision is made to set the last years of the year.

Grund für dit Entscheidung is een dry financial einbussen nach dem Urteil, wie der Betrieb in een Mitteilung schreibt. Bisher konnten Permanente und Fallpraxen einen Zuschlag für Abendbesuche berechnen, die sogenannte Dringlichkeits-Inkonvenienz-Pauschale. If the Federal Court started in June, it is true that the guarantee is not lawful, the extension of the term of the Geschäftsmodells die Praxen is.

Please note that the regulation is no longer valid as a note and that it is not shortened. The Notfall-praxis knows for sure that it is unclear, whether the time is offered in your Praxis. When the provision of this separation takes place in your practice, the financial affairs of a bus are carried out.

Dutzende Kündigungen nor in September

Due to internal criticism, one of the most important financial matters is a question of personal and infrastructure regulations that are no longer possible. Inform your financial institutions with the Notfallpraxis Sursee nach 13 Jaar ihren Betrieb einstellen. All 13 practice assistants and 43 employees, with a single administrative employee, would still be announced in September.

De Geschäftsleitung bedauert de Schliessung sehr en concretet, de Praxis das Spital Sursee is erheblich entlastet habe. The following instructions can no longer be executed. The Luzerner Health Directorate has been informed.