
Ukraine News: Starmer Will Not Conflict With Russia

Ukraine News: Starmer Will Not Conflict With Russia

Selenski dries Russia with Vergeltung nach Luftangriffen

Ukrainian President Vladmir Selenski has given an explanation for the large Russian air force in his country. A military response was also given by F-16 fighter jets favored by the West, Selenski said in his evening video chat. Russia has the neighboring country in the grip of Kiev in the short time with 236 rockets, flying bombs and drones attacking. The fear is about the entire energy infrastructure of the countries.

The air force sends at least seven people to the emergency services on Monday, 47 others are injured. During the night, the service in Ukraine goes wrong with the air alarm. In the large city of Kryvi Rih, a Russian rocket crashes into a hotel. It is a very wise choice to send a message to the Ukrainian media about the military reconnaissance of the city and its districts to them. If you are having fun, the drums of the device may move, the rescue work is fun. The industrial city of Kryvi Rih in the Dnipropetrovsk area is the birthplace of Selenskis.

Details about the longevity of the air force by Montag nannte Selenski nicht. Allerdings are probably the result of the fact that the Ukrainian offensive in the Russian area of ​​Kursk is launched. The Ukrainian Truppen who had taken over their control over the Russian War prisoners, were the power over the Austausch von Gefangenen verbessere.

Selenski: Zerstörte Energie-Infrastruktur is being repaired

After the Russian Angriffen, the Behörden in the Ukraine report about massive damage and the energy infrastructure. Also on Tuesday, the energy providers announced power shutdowns. “In a country that sees the terrorist state with the fight against the fight,” Selenski says a hit with the military fight against Telegram. Before the repairs to the energy sector begin, the efforts must be carried out.

Schon zuvor hatte der President met Blick auf die Schäden in een videobotschaft mehr Waffen von de Verbonden gefordert en een Freigabe reichweitenstarker westernlicher Raketen for the Beschuss von Zielen auf Russian Gebiet in the hinterland. Bisher gelten Beschränkungen für deren Einsatz.

Russia Vergeltung roads Kiev’s Kursk offensive

In some regions of Ukraine, the air raid alarm was sounded for hours on Monday. The bombing, after the Russian Foreign Ministry had issued a report, was about the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region, which began on August 6. The Ukrainian air defense was increased according to its own comments 201 Comments from

Kremltreue Kräfte has so much criticism, that Moscow has to deal with an Antwort for so long. Experts believe that the Ukrainian kräfte has the Russian Ortschaften over the Monate to exercise control.

Selenski: Kursk Offensive Compensated for the Waffenfreigabe

President Selensky began the invasion in the Kurdish area, but the western part of the empire was no longer affected by the war in the Russian area. The prices of the Ukrainian Truppen and their reinforcements, the Russian deception that is eliminated, are a way, the fehlende erlaubnis of compensations, as there.

Before the war in Ukraine took place with 10,000 soldiers in the Kursk region, einmarschiert. Selenski hatte auch davon geprochen, dass damit der Druck auf Moskau erht was solle, sich auf Verhandlungen für eine Rechte Friedenslösung in dem forzweieinhalb Years vom Kreml initiierten Krieg einzulassen. Russia understands after the invasion there is a clear conversation between them.

Ukrainian Oberkommandierender berät with NATO general

The Oberkommandieren of the Ukrainian Streitkräfte, Olexander Syrski, informed in the Nachrichtennettelegram about a conversation with the Oberbefehlshaber of the NATO Streitkräfte in Europe, Christopher G. Cavoli. If you are on the low side of the front, there is talk of an attack on the air force and one of the “Schutz der Stadtte and critical infrastructure” for the terrorist attacks of the Russian Federation. Syrski painted the weapons and weapons, added ammunition and military weapons.

Abgesehen von de Geländegewinnen bei der Offensive in Russian Gebiet Kursk since de Ukrainian Streitkräfte in Osten des eigen Landes weiter massiv unter Druck. The attention to the Russian forms in the Pokrowsk region in the Donezk teilte Selensky area with a military struggle with the military struggle is a reinforcement for the region that can be protected. The Russian Truppen have never failed to discover the Einnahme gazer Ortschaften in Raum Donezk.

Region Donezk ordnet weitere Evakuierungen an

Ukrainian policy focuses on Russian forms in the struggle with new evacuation. Roads of the worsening of security are that the Zone for Zwangsevacuierungen ausgeweitet be, Kinder en ihre Eltern or Erziehungsberechtigten müssten ihre Häuser verlassen, teilte der Governor von Donezk mit. Insgesamt wurden 27 Ortschaften im Raum Kostjantyniwka und Selydowe aufgelistet. Before the war paths of the Russian Truppen in Raum Pokrowsk can become an Evakuierung von Dörfern.

What is the most important thing on Tuesday?

In the Russian Kursk area, it is a nuclear power plant, while Moscow abandons the Ukrainian fear. The chef of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, will serve with a team for an image of the low machine. Angesicht van de Kämpfe in der Nähe des Atomic Engines is the situation as «erst» lonely, as the Generaldirektor.

The AKW in the city of Kurtschatow lies about 30 kilometers away from the Ukrainian’s second most occupied HQ. Previous We have informed Russia about the IAEA about one of the most important drones in the Kraftwerk area. Bilang is not clear, the AKW is a soul of the Ukrainian Vormarschs.

What is more important is that the Russian-occupied AKW Saporischsha in Ukraine is paying more attention to a stationary IAEA team. The standard präsenz of the international fachleute should not nur der Beobachtung der Lage, inter alia, von Kampfhandlungen abzuschrecken, die een Atomkatastrofe auslösen. (DPA)