
Dresdner Eislöwen Verpatzen Saisonauftakt! Pleite in der Verlängerung against Rosenheim

Dresdner Eislöwen Verpatzen Saisonauftakt! Pleite in der Verlängerung against Rosenheim

The Dresden Eislöwens have sold out the Saisonauftakt and lost their Freitagabend knapp in the Verlengerung against the Starbulls from Rosenheim.

Dresden- Autsch! Andrew Yogan & Co. sold the Saisonauftakt for 3245 Zuschauern in the secret low level of the Starbulls from Rosenheim. In the rendering, Ludwig Nirschl zum 2:3 (1:0, 1:2, 0:0) is one and the power that perfect Niederlage is.

Eislöwe Sebastian Gorcik (M.) stated here zum 2:1 ab.

Eislöwe Sebastian Gorcik (M.) stated here zum 2:1 ab. © Lutz Hentschel

It was a war that the Stimmungsdämpfer was, but he earned nothing more for the guest. The Hausherren would have the fans with a wrestled choreo in the Saison geschickt. An Elbdampfer explains a war in the lesson: “Mit Vollgas in die neue Saison!”

The Hausherren extend their direction. Tomas Sykora (5.) provided the Führung. The Dresdner pushes the Bayern further into the Drittel in the first minutes and makes a Torchance after the others. Vor der Partie Yogan said: “Is gibt a great Erwartungshaltung and the Mannschaft. Wirfen nicht nervös zijn, wenn’s nicht so gut läuft.”

There will be no nerves for the Eislöwen. Stefan Reiter (28.) also had a low score and Maximilian Vollmayer (40.) also scored for the second break after the goal of Dresden’s Sebastian Gorcik (38.) with a 2:2 penalty.

After the Test-Debakel: "Slim pockets"
Dresden Ice Lions
Enjoying the Test-Debakel: “Schlimme Sachen”

Was am happy, was happy. So who at Yogans (52.) Schuss is to blame for the grim parrying Starbulls Goalies Oskar Autio.

Andrew Yogan has taken over Druck

Andrew Yogan was not so happy with the Freitag against Rosenheim.

Andrew Yogan was not so happy with the Freitag against Rosenheim. © Lutz Hentschel

That’s not all that happened, the war for yoga is not unprecedented. In Regensburg it is like this: “Wir hatten nicht die best Spieler, aber jeder hat seine Rolle zur Perfection ausgefüllt und seinen Job erüllt.”

Daran müssen die Eislöwen nor work. Am Freitagabend gab’s da zwei, drei Patzer zu fell – aber kein Beinbruch. One of the season’s top scorers is cool, but the US-Boy has never been so good: “I’m in good hands.”

That the Gegner fell more on my eyes, because Yogan is not the problem: “You will soon be at the end, let yourself be the Gegner more on my mind and thus have more time for it.” Am Sonntag gibt’s die nächste Chance in Ravensburg.