
Arena: Streit um neue Kernkraftwerke – News

Arena: Streit um neue Kernkraftwerke – News

The Bundesrat will have the AKW-Bauverbot up. It is a new nuclear power plant that is being set up and where the Bau-zeitnah makes reality, it is completely inevitable. SP chairman Jon Pult focused on the «Luftschlössern» and SVP party chairman Michael Graber decided to choose an «Atomexpress».

The Bundesrat sees in Sachen Energiepolitik a turnaround: There will be the construction ban for the new nuclear power plants – as a counterproposal to the initiative “stop the blackout”. Tip for the initiative is the Vereinigung Energie Club Schweiz. It will anchor the energy supply of Switzerland in the anchoring of the production and the new KKW.

The guests in the «Arena»:

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Outside in the studio:

Moderator of Mario Grossniklaus.

The letter from the Bundesrat was written in due course by Vanessa Meury, the chairwoman of the Energie Club Schweiz. Dennoch states in the «Arena»: «It has never been the case that we have seen a punk in our initiative who is not concerned with the opposition. For example, the question is who is responsible for the security of the electricity supply.» The initiative is tackled by the Energieclub Schweiz, but Meury will not attack anymore.

Strive for adversity

SP and Mitte criticize the elections for the Bundesrat. There is no question of a people’s division on that path of a chicken, where the Mitte-Nationalrätin Priska Wismer-Felder and SP-Vizepräsident Jon Pult were lonely. In 2017, the Swiss Stimmbevölkerung said at the Abstimmung about the Energy Strategy 2050 Yes to the nuclear phase-out. “Was the Bundesrat gemacht, it is a second job, nor opportun”, criticizes Pult.

SVP National Councillor Michael Graber was in favour of the Bundesratsentscheid, while the Australian government said otherwise: “The energy strategy that is not moving forward will yield a full-fledged decarbonisation strategy.” Before Graber is clear, this power supply is a new nuclear power plant: “What is used, is an Atomexpress.” The SP Vice President newspaper: “This Plan B is an air lock.”

Gefährdet the AKW debate about the Erneuerbaren?

Because the Versorgungssicherheit of the gewährleisten is, the man «das Visier» must work on all technologies, the FDP National Council Susanne Vincenz-Stauffacher is the boss. If the current comes from the flowing energy, it is a man who knows for sure that he comes into contact with the current. During the debate on a new AKW that blocked the Ausbau issues, Mitte-National Council Priska Wismer-Felder argued.

For the AKW gegnerinnen and gegners it is clear: the newer Kraftwerk works would take a long time and take too long. Auch das Sicherheitsrisiko was gross. The Vertreterinnen and Vertreters from the SVP and the FDP show hinges, now KKW, love the internal band energy and were responsible for the security of the net zero soul.

Gefälschte Unterschrift geben zu rode

Find an investigation into the Tamedia-Zeitungen, which commercial collections have failed to produce sufficient documents for initiatives. Affected by the «Stopp-Blackout-Initiative» it cannot happen that you continue. Mit-Initiantin Meury has discovered a problem, which 125,000 of the Committee has written collected documents and of the Bundeskanzlei can be überprüft.

Dennoch is clear to most «Arena» guests, the system shows the Glaubwürdigkeit zurückgewinnen müsse. SP-Vize Jon Pult and the co-chairman of the Jungen Grünen from the Canton of Bern, Gioia Benninger, have compiled a verb from the unwritten documents. So we don’t mind those other “Arena” guests. SVP Nationalrat Michael Graber says: “Dieser Fall says the system is working.” Schliesslich sei der Betrug aufgeflogen and it became jetzt ermittelt.

The Bundesrat teilte am Freitag met, there are few taxable people who can ensure that the People’s Initiative now does not have any negative consequences.