
The Hit Clip of Radio Arabella – Radio Arabella

The Hit Clip of Radio Arabella – Radio Arabella

Winnspiel on Radio Arabella: VIP table for 8 people on the Brunner Wiesn win!

Join us for the ultimate Wiesn-Gaudi party on the Brunner Wiesn on 3 October! We will be reserving an exclusive VIP table for 8 people including food and drinks – and as musical highlights highlights of the legend Hermes House Band and Fred said right come on!

And this is how you can win: In our kniffligen Gewinnspiel game you can play ultra-kurze Schnipsel from the big party hits of the 80s and 90s. Wer diese fun Hits – mit Title and interpretation – know that the chance of winning the mega prize is high!

You can find your answer on another website or via WhatsApp ab. Nur wer all 5 hits there is a big mistake, the chance of the VIP table!

If you want to do this, it is not. If you can watch the audio data online here and last that long, it is time to listen!

Era: The first round starts at Monday September 16thThe solution follows Friday September 20.

It was also Glück auf der Brunner Wiesn feiern wie a VIP!