
“Der Dämon in dir muss Heimat finden”

“Der Dämon in dir muss Heimat finden”

Szene from “Der Dämon in dir muss Heimat finden”
The divorced singer-songwriter Mandy (Nika Mišković, l.) and ex-Karrierefrau Melli (Linda Elsner) are members of the mental health ward Dawn. © Hupfeld

Reading time

Lola Fuchs’ hat has a new design. In “Der Dämon in dir muss Heimat finden” it is a day in the mental health care of dawn. The author brought his great comedy as director in the Studio of Theater Dortmund in the Freitagabend zur Uraufführung – and the premiere of the premiere was reichlich Applause.

In the previous playtime, Lola Fuchs brought her “profit-oriented Trash comedy”, thus the subtitle of “Die Not steht ihr gut”, to the Studio Stage. Damals does not belong to the Schauspiel Ensemble and plays with herself. It is an agent who makes the woman fit for the power of the Labor Market. Ganze has of course got off the ground – and one of the things he has to do to develop his new work, with his humorous mastery of the enterprise with his self-optimization wahn-fortsetzt.

Scene from
Dawn-Chefin and Medium (Marlena Keil) with my Brother (Linus Ebner), with the other other things like Self-help in Sinn-hat.© Hupfeld

Hysterically staged women, the zeitgeist of Lola Fuchs with double names, on the flower and the general public in history. There is a friend Mandy-Galadriel, a shitted Singer-Songwriter, who has a package shop. If you get wool from your loser-dasein – and give you your 30th.

The mental advice is a self-determination that you can use. How Dawn’s chef wrote the eponymous bestseller. The friends who work together and have no idea what a catastrophe in your gift is. And the way Dorthin would not have been said in a clever two-person look back.

Overlay Mimic Game

The party day with Nika Miskovic as the sounded Mandy can be seen as a live projection. Sprechende Köpfe, the overseas Mimik-Spiel of the Mimen-Quintetts gut zur Geltung brought. A chamberlain who helped Tobias Hoeft in that production, the scale of half the work is visible as a live video. When Ausstatterin Anita Ackva dies in this function, it is the task of Lola Fuchs with the war of the party, while Kammern and a white magic wand play on the game.

In Dawn-Turm Mandy trifft on the von Linda Elsner in the schicken Business-expenses of a neurotic ex-career woman Melli, the mittlerweile under anxiety attacks and panic attacks. Ekkehard Frey tritt as left-wing extremist spirit Florian, because he has been warned.

Chefin is also a medium

Marlena Keil told the Dawn chef with overflowing dishes, her social media information she saw with a glass ball. And then Linus Ebner is in the role of the Bruders Markus, in a pink Guru-Outfit steckt and with the other other people as Selbthilfe in Sinn-hat.

The “Bösewicht” will ensure that the labor market enjoys the well-being of the workers, as well as the workers – and that they will benefit from the positive living environment of the innermost children of the arts, the future treasures of children in the game, and the benefits of their children’s/young people’s statistics. Während Mandy versucht, in his inner kind to retten, Melli will be kaufen and damit zurück in his Karrierewelt…

More information

And the ghost of Florian who saw the Dawn-Chefin. All sorts of things that occur in the big families, are and the Schattenkinder as Gespenster back and a number of people who sing Markus and his Sonnenkind Florian, the wayward flying wollen.

Weitere Aufführungen since 22. September, 1., 20. and 25. October wieder in Studio in Hiltropwall. You can find karting in the Kundencenter des Theaters am Platz der Alten Synagoge, under Tel. 5027222 and on the Theater homepage