
Streit zwischen Gemeinderat und Bürgermeister in Knetzgau

Streit zwischen Gemeinderat und Bürgermeister in Knetzgau

It’s the first time you’ve taken a break during the summer break. Draußen läuten die Kirchenglocken 20 Uhr, drinnen, in Rats- und Kultursaal, wartet der letzte Punkt auf der Tagesordnung. Zumindest on the paper.

“That is a unique Unverschämtheit!”, shouts the green Gemeinderätin Nina Köberich. Soul of the Verärgerung is the Vorsitzende der Runde, Bürgermeister Stefan Paulus (CWG/SPD). There is a way in which the “Information und Anfragen” information of the Agenda is displayed, from the Zeitgründen, wie er concreten. Koberich aber hat etwas zu sagen. A diesem Montagabend in September no longer comes with Wort. Paulus had finished the öffentliche sitzung.

Kritik am Knetzgauer Bürgermeister kein Einzelfall

A tag that contains the Grünenpolitikerin das Vorgehen des Bürgermeisters erneut scharf kommentieren: “Wir Gemeinderäte in Knetzgau sind ja schon eeniges gewohnt, aber gestern war wirklich wieder ein Punkt, an dem ich Thought: We have a real problem”, here is a video in a video , that means different social networks become easier.

The Köberichs criticism is without any doubt trivial. If you want to collect the expenses of Paulus and the larger parts of the taxed commons, if you no longer want the editing to be carried out with the most parties, you die in the Gremium vertreten sind. If you want to know that the mayor causes the real situation of the house damage. If you the community in the Landratsamt a service-providing service shunned against Paulus, but that would do more.

Der Macher Paulus: meinungsstark und streitbar

Paulus himself responded to Nachfrage zurückhaltend. There is concrete, if you choose your personal conversation, there is no talk of a different situation in the middle. It may be that it is no different than before.

Then the mayor gilded expensively as a star of opinion and stretchable. In particular, when a vision for the community is given. Denn Paulus, since 2008 in the Knetzgauer Rathaus, has a dissolution of the Gestaltungswille nachgesagt. There is gilded as someone, the thing is packed and used – if it no longer goes with the head through the magic wand. If Paulus no longer feels free in the future, for everything in the community.

Streit een gemeindefinanzen endet in Schlagabtausch

It seems that you are now putting an end to the municipal financing. Knetzgau, the long term of a writschaftlich under the powerful commune galt, is in financial difficulties reated. The situation, so wiederholten Paulus and the dessenkämmerer Marco Depner will be mantraartig, he will come in the years of his providence – if not gegengesteuert was.

If you get into this fragment, you can get an indefinite impression of the rough situation. So the mayor in July of the consolidation of the household offices has to deal with a shortage of debts, and also for the kindergartenbetreuung. The community is stimulated by a German healthy lifestyle, a citizen and a citizen are not heavily burdened. The Streit is exploited and carried out by one of the offenses: Paulus takes off with the Gremium in the Knetzgauer Amtsblatt, which protects the community in a short time to power in the Rathaus. Make sure that the political bearing of the mayors, the SPD and the CWG, undermine the criticism.

Before Paulus crossed a red line with his work. There is a mistake of the Mitteilungsblatt of the Gemeinde, a democratic Mehrheitsentscheidungen of the countercariers, there is work on Mark Zehe (CSU), of the large kommunalpolitische contacts and the critical core of the Knetzgauer Rathauschef zählt, in Gespräch met dieser Redaktion.

Paulus wiederum concrete in the young community, the citizens and the citizens now who aus seiner View financial political verheerenden Follow the Ratsentscheidung deutlich gemacht zu haben. “Wir were Kindergartengruppen schließen und Personal abbauen müssen”, separate one from the Verzweiflung and Ärger in the Runde, as the Thema erneut on the Tagesordnung stand.

Over the Party boundaries hinweg im Unmut vereint

In his life, Stefan Paulus continues with the community beyond the party boundaries. Bernhard Jilke (FDP/Freie Bürger) spoke of a “schrecklichen Stimmung”. Robert Beetz (CWG), since 28 years in the meantime, is a “lean period”. And Johannes Betz (Junge Liste) describes the situation as a “small catastrophe” for the community.

“Wir sind in seinen Augen nur ein notnauwes Übel, all that is left behind, was our previous world.”

Nina Köberich, Gemeinderätin (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)

The Verantwortung voor de Verwerfungen sees the Gemeinderätinnen and -räte, with dens die Redaktion geprochenen hat, vor allem beim Bürgermeister: “There might, there was will, that I was not taken seriously,” said Nina Körberich, of the Paulus kurz vor dem End of the young Sitzung das Wort entzog. If you would like to know more about the settlement, the community will continue with the constitution that has taken place. Etwa der willkürliche Umgang met dem Tagesordnungspunkt “Information und Anfragen”. Paul is right.

“We were in the clear now that we were aware of everything, everything was done, it was left undone,” Köberich continues. Der Gemeinderat sei wiederholt for plentete Tatsachen bestelt zijn. There is extensive communication with the Rathaus and more extensive preparation for specific themes and separations, all concrete partners and partners.

“It is easy to understand when people come together”, see Paulus’s party friend Sebastian Schierling (SPD) who smoothes the way. Social democracy is evident from a citizen-meister, who all differs in the community with the community, a “very active and committed” work.

2020 an der Wahlurne mit 69 Prozent im Amt bestätigt

Comparable dared the Knetzgauer Wählerinnen and Wähler for four years that he was away, Paulus and the Urne 69 Percent your voice stimmen zu geben. One of the most important things that the Rathauschef does best is that he will take a longer path, so that the current confrontation can be continued. If you read this tag, the citizens and the citizens will breathe new life, if they are in the role of the Abnickers, they have not fallen anymore.

One financial part can make the living room for the next year a lifetime of living for the citizen. Now the Macher Stefan Paulus, otherwise as in the passing years, neither now nor disfigured, figures would be possible. Zumindest, if it is part of the community: “Wir müssen Leuchtturm- und Prestigeprojekte hinten anstellen and thus save money, not by an overloaded burden of the Citizens and Citizens”, described by Sebastian Schierling as a road to the Haushaltskonsolidierung.

There is a problem with the following Zerreißprobe.

“Zum Wohle Knetzgaus was so heavy that he made a team photo and never did anything else.”

Bernhard Jilke, Gemeinderat (FDP/Freie Bürger)

Immerhin: The Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit shines in weiten Teilen des Gemeinderats vorhanden. “Zum Wohle Knetzgaus was so heavy that we received a team photo and no other weapons,” said Bernhard Jilke.

However, it is clear that this is not all in the Gremium so: So there is Mark Zehe, of 2008 in Rennen ums Knetzgauer Rathaus erolglos gegen Paulus angetreten war, Ende August Rechts- und Dienstaufsichtsichtsbeschwerde gegen de amtierenden Bürgermeister. The triple paper contains the Redaktion vor. Darin wants Zehe Paulus to present, the Zweiten Bürgermeister und de Dritte Bürgermeisterin der Gemeinde wiederholt unzureichendüber Dienstliche Abwesenheiten informiert haben, and thus they harm the Gemeinde.

The Landratsamt has faded into the background, it has become an entsprechende beschwerde gerade. Fraglich bleibt, ob diese Beschwerd einen Beitrag zur Entspannung des Konflikts leisten wird.

A smaller glimpse of light can express itself in the young community of people. Zwar seiterte der Vorschlag der Verwaltung, de Geschwisterermäßigung in Kindergarten abzuschaffen and thus 14,000 Euro final savings. But the field of the Entscheidung with zehn zu eight stimmen vergleichsweise handsome as. Unüberwindbar shines der Graben zwischen Stefan Paulus and the Knetzgauer Gemeinderat neither.