
Einreise – Before the Start of Border Controls: Sort out the Survival – Politik

Einreise – Before the Start of Border Controls: Sort out the Survival – Politik

Herzogenrath/Düsseldorf (dpa/lnw) – Die ab Montag begins the Border Control in Belgium and the Lower Countries in the Border Region of North Rhine-Westphalia Besorgnis hervor. “We are concerned that the boundaries of the character of our region can change,” is said by a speaker of the city of Herzogenrath of the German Press Agency. “The best part is that it is a tax on the bad citizens and citizens of both states and that they have a negative economic character.”

In Herzogenrath, the German-Netherlands border crosses the city. “File people from both cities can add a tag to the jewelry of others on the border or erleden grenzüberschreitend besorgungen”, so der Sprecher. The Grenze is not visible for a number of couples and is flying. The city of Wolle Andere Grenzen and Mauern is no longer active. ‘Answer the internal borders of the EU to be welder, sollten solutions for the protection of the EU-Außenborders are founded. If the Außengrens were not changed, they could be preserved in the inner region.”

Limit controls are important for the next monate

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) has taken charge of Germany’s borders and the cross-border borders have become such that the Zahl is making a new journey. The additional checks will be carried out for six months. This concerns France, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. At the borders in Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, only the checks are available. If you are in the Schengen area, this is not the case.

Federal Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has been responsible for the protection of the Monate and all German Land Borders. (archive photo) (Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa)

In NRW, the Federal Police will start checking after their own appointments from 0:00 on Monday. “That is not to say that everyone who crosses the border is controlled. There are no full control roles. Once you have registered, this is an analysis of the cross-border check that you have done, while using a dpa. There are no stationary checks, which can use your mobile phone.

“We will set up, train, and speed up a variety of traffic control processes,” thus the speaker. For the future, there is a Streifenwagen, police motorbike and a second vehicle in the Einsatz. The commute and travel reports can only get more interesting.

Herausforderung for Grenzpendler

“Without a shocking message about the news, that Germany and all federal borders will be strengthened and controled, penetrating power,” says a speaker of the Euregio Rhine-Waal. It is a “bad message” for the region. Cross-border issues can strongly influence sales and economic connections. The Grenzpendler, the tag for work, study or school that transcends the border, are the ones who follow. The masses are broadened by the idea of ​​a borderless Europe.

Problem for the cross-border development of the German Dutch swimming association Euregio Rhein-Maas-Nord. Grenzenwohner is used to the border of work, a tank, his family or an Arzt is so, that he is a representative. You can change the costs of a pendlerkarte. The consequences of the corona pandemic could be lifted by the government, but Grenzpendler would get a big control over the Borders.

Fear of economic damage

Basically, the contact roles must be reconfigured in such a way that the Rights of Men in Schengen Space are not more effective. “Care for the free travel of the Mitgliedsstaaten”, this is the Euroregion Rhein-Maas-Nord. Der Tourismusverband in NRW right through the previous mountains Kontrollenstellenweise mit Wartezeiten, dit is een nachfrage. Please note that travel and leisure transport in the cross-border region is not possible.

The logistics industry operates economically through border controls, and through status and time periods. (Archive photo) (Photo: Oliver Berg/dpa)

From the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce, the Dutch company has suddenly introduced border control completely unexpectedly and has been put on alert. Long-term contact roles can such a Dutch company take on, for the German part of the most important export market, if the German companies cause damage. If there is no end to the end of the year, with more intensive control, the trade prices and the money costs will increase.

Logistics industry: Wartezeiten and Staus

Laut Logistikverband TLN passerten täglich beef 100,000 Lastwagen die deutsch-niederländische Grenze. Jede Stunde Wartezeit costs 100 euros for Lkw-Fahrer, i.e. the Handelskammer. The Verband Spedition und Logistik NRW warns indes that the plants could führen Grenzkontrollen van Verzögerungen at Lkw-Lieferungen. Heritage of the Corona pandemic and the Fußball-EM are gezeigt, the only control roles that last long wars and staus verursachen could.

If it is not clear how intensive the checks are during the work, it is possible that the Auswirkungen in the Güterverkehr are not even einschätzen. It is a planning security, so the Association. The Association Transport Industry and Logistics NRW declares, Logistics requires open borders. “We are dependent as an industry on free goods traffic. If it is no longer so, it is no longer so that the organization of the population and the economy takes on a role”, would be a Speaker of the Association.

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