
Food-Upcycling: New Lebensmittel entstehen – News

Food-Upcycling: New Lebensmittel entstehen – News

Soy fruit meat nuggets or beer chips: cook more solidly when you refresh the meal.

In an ehemalige Schokoladenfabrik am Stadtrand von Bern kämpft das Start-up Luya the Verschwendung von Lebensmitteln. Aus Kichererbsen and Okara find a new product here. Okay? The Zutat is a bi-slang that can be used and is often treated in the industry as Abfall.

There is a new product from tofu or soy milk production: soybeans are pressed, the liquid part will be processed further. Check out the fruit flesh of Sojabohne – Okara.

“Finding a way, a solution for the Nebenströme from the Lebensmittelindustrie weiterzuverwenden,” says Nina Schaller, Co-Geschäftsführerin. Denn das Okara enthält noch velde Nährstoffe. When Luya has been mixed with the Kichererbsen, a Pilz-hinzu comes, the Goose is fermented and the Nuggets are sliced. There is a “good alternative to Fleisch – and not higher savings,” as Schaller said.

Upcycling is not the problem

A Drittel aller essbaren Lebensmittel is lost in Switzerland before it even ends up in a Teller country. The Bund will die Lebensmittelverschwendung bis in Jahr 2030 halbieren (siehe Box).

The Federal Action Plan against Food Waste

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Around 2.8 million tons of food were wasted every time, because the Swiss and Swiss do not consume them. That is 330 kilograms per head. The largest part falls inland and in agriculture, retail or in the housing. If you want to find the Bund, and how you will launch the “Action plan for lifelong diversion” in 2022. Therefore, the diversion should be halved by 2030 in comparison with the year 2017. Mass intakes are u. A. Ensure better planning in production, optimize the packaging size or never spend money on a useful organization again. Still everything relies on volunteerism. After the year there has been a shutdown. If the masses are unabashed, there is even more schritte thinking – which may mean its obligations in the future.

Food upcycling can give the best of itself, says Nadina Müller. He is a professor of food technology at the ZHAW in Wädenswil. “Around 35 percent of food waste passes through the work. Here a man can certainly move, he said. All you need is upcycling in the masses. “Potatoes, the molding, one man can of course not spoil another.”

The Brauerei Locher in Appenzell is experimenting with food upcycling. This is one of the ways you can buy a product during upcycling: from chips to pizzas to vegan «Ghackets».

Bis Upcycling rentiert, dauert es

The basis of all products is the beer, a rest, at the delivery of Malz zurückbleibt. Most Brauereien have become the Treber and the Landwirtschaft, where Tirfutter also ends.

“If products are no longer available, you can put the financing on a black zero,” says Managing Director Aurèle Meyer. If you are sold in the Coop branches, the war is separated. The sale over the own channels and small drawers is not possible. The costs for the product are not covered with the “black zero”.

Haltbarkeit als Herausforderung

And that is not the only reformation. “Bei our cases for Tag bis zu 35 Tonnen Biertreber an,” said Meyer. Nor can the Brauerei Locher not be able to do everything weiterverarbeiten. Ein Grund: Haltbarkeit.

With Nebenströmen, who fell – who Okara or Biertreber – is a recovery, says Nadina Müller from the ZHAW. «Man must diese nebenströme sehr schnell verarbeiten, damit sie nicht furtherben.»

The Brauerei Locher can use a new technology in the beer to create a haltbar machine. “By the end of 2025 we will continue to work together,” says Aurèle Meyer.

And if Luya no longer has the idea. “We will stop the standard Ausschau nach weiteren Nebenströmen, who will continue to work with our new technology,” says co-author Nina Schaller. Heisser Kandidat: Der Presskuchen, der bei der Herstellung von Sonnenblumenöl anfällt.