
Protest storm against Flüchtlingsunterkunft in the Munich region: Anwohner zeizen Unmut

Protest storm against Flüchtlingsunterkunft in the Munich region: Anwohner zeizen Unmut

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Protest storm against Flüchtlingsunterkunft in the Munich region: Anwohner zeizen Unmut
“However, you cannot place a container estate in a new construction area,” one of the 150 customers received sneered. © bb

With the latest reactions that Landrat Christoph Göbel (CSU) and Mayor Stephan Keck (SPD) have not been judged, as he has zum Ortstermin in Kirchheim in a container village in a city.

One of the gut 150 Anwohner, the komkomen were, lautstark protested against the 32 zweistöckigen Container am Schlehenring für 192 Flüchtlinge. “So no one will have an arrangement for their own home. “We are always afraid of the Messerstechern,” said Anwohner Reinhard Bauer.

The district and community have completed their assessment of the container management in Kirchheim. The matters settled in the battle, and the response to the great war. The living quarters were not worth living, so the man would be happy to have a new home. It is important that you experience the “transparent transparency of the Landratsamt and Gemeinde”. Other living quarters are apart from the protest.

Zahlreiche Meinungen Krachten sich merkbar: “I am very good, that is the Syrer and Afghans reinkommen”, that is still the major problem group, except for a Frau, and one of the Umstehenden stimmten zu. “There was a Kita planted here – we would live in a Flüchtlingsdorf,” said Helga Bauer. If you want more, you are self-confident and a little more childlike, in the Schlehenring-wohnen. “That is a young young man, who is tall and does not know, was the day that it happened like this.”

Strong Forward Turn

Landrat Göbel and Bürgermeister Keck have no argument for their opinion. If you want the Zwischenrufen to stop working. “We are happy to fly in Germany and the Munich region. That’s true. Wir haben von der Politik in Berlin und Munich de Aufgabe, sie zu kümmern. It costs a lot of money to increase power – it costs a lot of money,” says Göbel. In the years 2015 and 2016, the Landkreis acquired 3,000 Flüchtlinge. „Schon damals wer, we are here to stay. Since 8000 birds and birds 2025, more purchases have been made since 2000. Wir haben jetzt 266 Object im Landkreis and brauchen urgently more and new“, said the Landrat.

Contaniersiedlung is fruitful for as long as possible

In Kirchheim we have the Landkreis das Grundstück am Schlehenring zunächst bis Ende 2025, then a year until Ende 2026 is required. “Wir hätten are not yet alive for a long time, but the community is here to stay.” Problems with the Baufirma are not a problem for a long time. The container container has its own long service life and is suitable for use. However, the end result is that there is no chance of playing in the middle of the container, and from mid-October we will also be able to see Ukrainian Flights. „Etwa 95 von ihnen since seit longerer Zeit in Hotel Dormero, other bowls dazu. Wir haben here Platz für 192 Flüchtlinge, wenn 80 Prozent der Platz invests since, sprechen wir von Vollbelegung“, says Göbel.

Anstelle des planted Kindergartens were setzed because in the Neubausiedlung am Schlehenring vom Landratsamt die Flüchtlings-Container. Starting in mid-October sollen sie were visited.
Anstelle one Kindergarten were set in the Siedlung the Container. Starting in mid-October sollen sie were visited. © bb

Bis Ende 2026 bowls “nur Ukrainianr”

Viele der Protestierer wollten Göbel die Aussage nicht glauben. “That comes but guarantees busloads of Syria and Afghans angefahren”, ief eine Frau. “I’ve been speaking – I’ve stopped speaking – here we come again from Ukraine to the end of 2026,” Göbel said. A woman has settled in her home, but other immigrants such as Ukrainians have emerged here, “then our protest against another person would be seen as heuut”. Let’s take care of the fact that the community decision will be made on December 31, 2026. After all, the community is still alive. Quote, “this is our solidarity.” Was 2027 passionate, but we are still alive in the future. of the underlying Reihe. “Then we are looking for new ways to find new things in our own construction,” Göbel replied.

(Overview: Everything from the region is available in our regular Regional-Munich-Newsletter.)

Ein Mann schimpfte bei dem Termin, dass sein teures Eigenheim durch die Flüchtlinge gewaltig an Wert verlieren zijne and stellte die Frage: “Who kann man das nur in een Neubaugebiet?” Stephan Keck said, how he could fall during the Asylbewerber-Unterkunft 2015 in der Räterstraße argues, “en nachweislicht ist der Wert der umliegenden Häuser nicht zonken”.