
Extremes Hochwasser, Schneestürme and Frühwinter in Bavaria, Saxony and Mitteleuropa

Extremes Hochwasser, Schneestürme and Frühwinter in Bavaria, Saxony and Mitteleuropa

Steigende Pegel, Hochwasser, Überschwemmungen
Steigende Pegel und Hochwasser führen zu Überschwemmungen
Kathy Schrey

Kathy Schrey 6 minutes

Striking and warning wet weather: Extreme rainfall, high water levels and winter break in Bavaria and Saxony – High Alarmbeereitschaft!

In de kommenden Tagen wird Deutschland und Mitteleuropa von extremen Wetterbedingungen prägt, make sure that one of the Vb-Tief flights includes the mid-European air transport to the central European transport.

This heavy rainfall produces massive rainfall, high water levels and a fresh winter break. Other countries affected by the Bundesländer Bayern and Saxony are the neighboring Länder wie Österreich, Poland and the Czech Republic. Lokal was bis zu 500 Liter Niederschlag pro Quadratmeter erwartet, was de Risiko von Hochwasser, Erdrutschen und Sturzfluten erheblich erhöht.

Heavy weather

The Vb-Tief is influenced by a complex weather constellation. One of the high pressure areas with the name “Reinhold” lies in the west of Brittany and in the northwestern part of Germany for white trockenes and sonniges Wetter.

This high pressure area is affected by a blockage of the Vb-Tiefs, it is no longer possible to move in the Northwest. Statistics that the area in the southern and eastern part of the European Union remained the stopped rainfall and the high water levels in the regional development.

Das Tief ANETT, also known internationally as BORIS, can be found in both high pressure areas.

This Konstellation is active in dense regions of Southern Europe and the Eastern Central Europe, especially in South-Western Poland, Czech Republic, the Slovakia, Austria, Ungarn and Slowenien, and offers a special high-quality service.

Rain, over-watering, over-flutungen
Anhaltender intenser Regen führt zu Überschwemmungen

The middle lake is between 2 and 4 degrees Celsius warmer over time. This deviation from the norm can lead to more tension, the Vb-Tief can be removed.

Warm lake surfaces are a factor in the strengthening of deep pressure systems and the generation of heavy rainfall, which brings more dilution and more moisture into the atmosphere.

Weather Administration on Saturday:

The persistent rain is off the Alpine edge with its new power and stops its parts with unseasonable weather.

In Saxony and Brandenburg the rain is of the formittag nach, in Bayern it is the case that the Danube zurückziet.

Schnee is located in Höhenlagen at an altitude of 1300 m. In other regions, wechselnde Bewölkung and überwiegend trockenes Wetter.

An der Ostsee bis zur Magdeburger Tiefebene shinte häufig die Sonne.

The temperature rises from 13 to 18 degrees in the north and west from 6 to 12 degrees in the south. The wind is in the western area and in the eastern part of the fresh air, with Sturmböen in Bergland.

Wetterungswehr on Sunday:

After a short break new rain will come in the East and South-East. In the West it is a changing cloud cover Weitgehend trocken, nur an der Nordsee gibt is een vereinzelte Schauer.

The temperature rises in the south and is set at 20 degrees in the north and northwest of the country. Das Tief ANETT sorts more for Rain and High water in South Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia. In Germany all Elbe, Oder and Neisse are affected.

Niederschläge and Hochwassergefahr:

In Bavaria and Saxony there is heavy rainfall. I am Berchtesgadener Land and part of the Alps was prognostiziert up to 150 liters Niederschlag pro Quadratmeter, was Überschwemmungen and Murenabgänge strengthened.

Auch der Bavarian Forest is affected. The Flüsse Elbe, Oder and Neiße can pass through the andauernden Regenfälle Hochwasser führen.

The “imported water” from Austria and the Czech Republic provides the low quantity. High water alarm points can be removed, and precautions can be urgently inherited.

Winter meeting in the Alps

The South of Germany, especially the Alpine region, has a fresh winter break with snowfall limits between 800 and 1,500 meters.

In the higher levels of 1,500 meters the 80 Zentimeter Neuschnee has fallen, and in no higher layer is the 2,000 meters higher than one meter.

Dies erhöht das Risiko von Lawinen und Schneebruch. Straßen could be closed due to traffic jams.

Zu Vorsichtsmaßnahmen wird an Contents

Insgesamt supports Mitteleuropa for an intensive Wetterwochenende.

Particularly in Bavaria, Saxony and the Alpine regions, residents should take care of their neighbors and take care of their neighbors at Hochwasser and Schneemassen.

The weather conditions are unstable, with heavy rainfall, the high water stress remains high. This way you can make an active start by setting out the laundry and the animation of the next couples you want to follow.