
Most human debts in themselves weigh insanity or guilt

Most human debts in themselves weigh insanity or guilt

Work loss during the long term, where people in Germany are over-indebted – a report on the media that they are dying now that they are being affected: Dies said of the „Überindebtedness report 2024“ of the Institutes for Finanzdienstleistungen (IFF), über den the “World of Sunday” message.

With 18.4 percent, every fifth fall in 2023 will soon be faced with health problems. A job loss that comes out of the study in 17.5 percent of cases is a loss in the study. The message follows the divorce or the trennung, the shopping and the consumption if we have a different color.

There is no representative of the study dealing with data from 114 debt nerberatungsstellen. Knapp 200,000 Beratungsfälle from the years 2008 to 2023 will be available soon, which will soon be 24,000 from the year.

Ratenkcredite plays a major role in Germany’s debt burden.

Hanne RoggemannIFF-Ökonomin, a report author

It seems that the works council has not been on the main market for years, but experts in the message with the stable description and demographic entity in Germany: “There is an Arbeitnehmermarkt, there are many possible Arbeits- and Fachkräfte.

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The theme of Arbeitsplatzverlust that has built up a lost bed,” said Patrik-Ludwig Hantzsch, Leiter Wirtschaftsforschung at the Auskunftei Creditreform, who himself has been reausgibt the sogenante “Schuldner-Atlas” for years.

If the best trend of the IFF is, this is to be continued: Demnach went through the fall in 2008 and 2023 with Arbeitslosigkeit as main debts at the age of 45, with the Factors Illness/Sucht/Unfall at 37 percent.

Hantzsch sees an improved diagnosis and the spread of the Corona pandemic if the attack is carried out. “The relationship between illness and overindebtedness has not become worse due to Corona.”

The high debt burden is the debt of an interest credit. If you follow the next steps in the manual control, you can get an incorrect control or a backlash of the social assistance.

You can read the credit report “Buy now, pay later” – it is important that the bill is paid first. Those Concessions and Maßngebühren are my best; there often fall consumers and consumers, the overblick zu behalten.

“Rate credit plays a major role in the Überschuldung in Germany”, stated one of the authors of the report, Hanne Roggemann. The Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband and the IFF warn the report for the solution of Angeboten. Quick reactions have a mental influence on the future, which results in the only write-offs.

The debt in the debt spiral is an inseparable part of the past. If you want to lower the inflation figures, you can increase the financial burden of the main house, while you undermine the incomes, all incomes and all expenditures, as the statistics say. “For many, that is a budget shock,” said IFF Economist Hanne Roggemann. (clay)