
End sprint at Marktkauf-Umbau in Bautzen

End sprint at Marktkauf-Umbau in Bautzen

End sprint at Marktkauf-Umbau in Bautzen

Besonders stolz is the Geschäftsführer Frieder Seifert on the large, new Kühlabteilung in the Marktkauf-Filiale in Bautzen. The Umbau des Einkaufszentrums after the A4-Anschlussstelle Bautzen-Ost will be closed until November 2024. Photo: ksl

Seit May 2023 during the Marktkauf in Bautzen rundum erneuert. Everything is fertile in November. Bereits ab Montag is an important Neuerung.

To build. From May 2023, the market shop branch in Bautzen is healthy – and it is a complete bet. Nun geht der Umbau in de final phase. On September 16, 2024, the market with the normal sales flashes, kurz vor de Kassen, erklärt Geschäftsführer Frieder Seifert. There is a separate Getränkemarkt, the end of the Parkplatzes, which is closed.

If the fläche no longer learns: The chain “dm” is on a run of 800 quadratmeter one of the largest dryer markets in the regional equipment. When the market opens, you can start the conversion. Eröffnet is the second “dm” market in Bautzen then from 2025.
In short, the market stall has been remodeled – new flies, new shelves, new lighting. All according to current standards, also energy-efficient for example. I can tell you that it is one of the most common things you can do. At the moment it is about a new operating department in the hint of Range equipment. This should open in October.

If you have done this, you still cannot access the entrance. If you have the Fruit and Vegetable Department of another fresh Wurstwaren-sales, entsteht a Hofladen with products from the region. The devices were a new stelle-geräumt.
At the moment there is still a range with the other flies on the sales floor that you find. That would not modernize in the next apartment. Make sure you connect the electronics. “We always say: Dort, where ready new flies are moved, everything is finally closed”, Frieder Seifert explains. It should be possible to learn in the past how you can reorient yourself to the kind after the desired goods.

The next step is to follow the Feinschliff: Sollen differ bereiche noch ansehnlicher gestaltet zijn. Among others, the Obst- und Gemüse-abteilung a large Bautzen-Panorama is planted, it can be the Silhouette der Stadt-zeigt. In the Weinabteilung the withdrawal of the Regale was not accompanied by a Ziegeloptik. This hat was then worn in Fenster, by the man Ansichten von Bautzen.

“Ungefähr 70 Prozent haben wir fertig,” says Frieder Seifert. A start has been made on Bautzen’s market trader, who joined the current company in the early 1990s after the A4 purchasing group Bautzen-Ost. On October 9, 1990, the direct development of the highway began on the longest supermarket in the world, which was established in the Bevölkerung. Dieser befand sich noch in mehreren ehemaligen Getreidehallen and war von Anfang a completelich als Interimslösung plant.

Not once the SB-Warenhaus and the Marktkauf-Einkaufszentrum in the Gewerbe area on Niederkainaer Straße open, it is a very good one. On November 2, 2024, another new event has arisen – that after the turnaround, which takes other years, Sanierung.

ksl / 14.09.2024

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