
Fast Food Chain Factory Expansion: Gibt is a bare new McDonalds Branches in the region? – Region and country

Fast Food Chain Factory Expansion: Gibt is a bare new McDonalds Branches in the region? – Region and country

Fast Food Chain Factory Expansion: Gibt is a bare new McDonalds Branches in the region?

65,000 zuätzliche Arbeitsplätze sollen laut McDonalds entstehen in Deutschland. Photo: dpa/Jan Woitas

The fast food giant McDonalds factory is expanding in Germany. Hundreds of new restaurants are set to open. Also in our region? Our editors are possibly at the American-American company erkundig.

McDonalds factory hunderte neue Branches in Germany. You can visit 1,400 restaurants of the fast food chain here. But that’s not the case with the fast-food giants with the golden M. Since the new branches have been created around 10,000 new workplaces.

Bereits jetzt beschäftigt das US-Unternehmen rund 65,000 Mitarbeiter in seinen Restaurants in Deutschland. In 2024, no less than 1,250 new workplaces will be available, as well as 50 employees in the 25 branches that have been planted. 75 more restaurants are available in the future. By 2027, more than 10,000 new Arbeitsplätze will be in use.

Who is in our region?

Gegenüber unserer Redaktion erläutert McDonalds, which are also in the Landkreisen Calw, Freudenstadt, Zollernalb, Rottweil, Schwarzwald-Baar, Lörrach, Lahr and Tübingen weitere Restaurants planted since: “Im Rahmen unseres Expansionsvorhabens since we are in this region an additional interest“, so der Sprecher.

Konkrete Plane, wo genau die Restaurants entstehen, würde es zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt aber nicht geben. “Several factors play a role in the attractive properties of a stand. This involves looking at other aspects, the economic area, the infrastructure including traffic connections or the demographic environment,” he explains.

When you get out of the door, you go to the new stand on the highways, the Bahnhof or the Bundesstraßen. “You have a gold-plated stand, which individual factories are promoted and provided with weight”.

Is Burger King planning an expansion?

Laut Burger King Deutschland would offer the fast-food chain a long-term expansion strategy. “Possible investment positions were at Burger King when a proper test was carried out. If you are in locations, while the prices of the companies are moored and a strong low-vineyard economy”, explains Burger King Deutschland on Request from our editors.

“If we have a successful future in Germany and we will be happy, we will be happy to make new progress,” he said.

Auch in new restaurant concept, questioned in the travel guide, will be invested. “We will enjoy our time at our two Burger King Restaurants and the Berlin Airport on the Airside Airport.”

It is worth choosing restaurants in the digital strategy, and by modernizing self-order terminals. “Unser übergeordnetes Ziel ist es, unseren Gästen a first class restaurant experience zu bieten”.