
ADFC kürt schlimmste Bettelampel in Lower Saxony – 3 Minuten Wartezeit

ADFC kürt schlimmste Bettelampel in Lower Saxony – 3 Minuten Wartezeit

Foot-riders and cyclists know it: Man presses the Ampel and warps. And warts. A passive night. A club has now found the most nervous Ampel in Lower Saxony.

Bettelampeln were only generated, the sparks and the radar themselves would be risked, before they became light. If it lasts long enough, you can enjoy better traffic. The Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) has now financed the “brightest Bettelampel” in Lower Saxony and presented it at the Landesversammlung in Nordhorn.

The background of the action is described in 2023 as Leitantrag met Abschaffung von Bettelampeln. Various Kreisverbände of the lower ADFC can be stopped with a stop on the road, a wartime and a tiling in the region that is being tested.

The tragic “Sieger” steht in Cuxhaven: Dort müssen Fußgänger und Radfahrer 2:54 Minuten und een Bettelampel warten. Platz 2 gets an Ampel in Hameln, lasts 2:24 minutes. An Ampel in Sulingen (Landkreis Diepholz) can take a time of 1:50 minutes before it turns green. Damit takes care of the driving places.

“Wir hoffen, dass die Schaltung dieser Bettelampel von the responsible traffic plans normals überdacht wird and the Ausbremsung des Rad- and Fußverkehrs beendet wird!”, Schreibt der ADFC Lower Saxony in an Instagram-Beitrag.