
Rock Capital leads through new prestige objects

Rock Capital leads through new prestige objects

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Rock Capital leads through new prestige objects
The three chefs in the house restaurant: the Geschäftsführenden-gesellschafter Peter Neumann (l.) and Christian Lealahabumrung (r.) with Geschäftsführer Andreas Wißmeier. © Nico Bauer (3)

After the lively New Year’s Eve in 2020, the picture at Rock Capital in Dornach is good again. Wirecard is the transition value, after half of the burogebäude and the Einsteinstraße have been increased.

Dornach – In the horror year 2020, the business plan at the Rock Capital Group in Luft looks like. First, you can contact Wirecard via the new central office, then Corona and the big bang with the insolvency of the financial service providers. The office building on Einsteinstraße was rebuilt and offers 42,000 square meters of high-quality office surfaces, which are active and have been half destroyed.

“Actually, he sold 150 products,” said Peter Neumann, together with Christian Lealahabumrung of the Gesellschafter-Duo of the Rock Capital Group picture. 2018 has reached a value of 40,000 square meters and Wirecard value and is now a value of 20,000 square meters. The Bürogebäude has become a new building and has prominent companies in Dornach. So the Swiss group Essity (Tempo, Zewa, Tena, Leukoplast), the French agricultural credits in Germany and the American-American technology of Bourns Electronics in Dornach. Further delays are ready to be closed. The financial service provider Crédit Agricole comes from Oberhaching and has 2000 Quadratmeter angemietet for a high-modern mix from large-scale offices and single working stations with free flow.

2020 placed the Blase

Andreas Wißmeier, the managing director of the Büroprojekten at the Einsteinring, could write a book about the unusual events and happenings. If Wirecard is not the number of a German Aktien-Index DAX war, it is possible to look at glass or a Hubschrauber-Landeplatz. 2020 the Blase, and Wißmeier saß in the home office to turn in the Internet conference.

The sweating of the roast is a concept that is much higher. Andreas Wißmeier founded his “Immune Office”, in the form of UV-C light, air filter technology, heat exchangers and new ideas from the heat extraction an innovative office park created with smooth mats sent with sustainable work areas. “2020 is all about health”, says the managing director. If the second pandemic punk is interested, it is not even the case that the company works with the healthy air guarantee.

Geothermal in the Standort gut

Full of the Lobes is in de grunderneuerten Gebäude, in dem eennst de Zentrale des Computer-Marktführers Compaq war, über de Option Geothermie der AFK: “Three Gemeinden haben vor kostenlos Jahren de GLücklichen Griff getan, diese Wärme zu gewinnen.” Dem Geothermie- Het Verbund der Kommunen Aschheim, Feldkirchen and Kirchheim have a long history.

Claudia Zoric, Asset Manager at Rock Capital, suggested the Innenausbau. “I wanted a lot of green and that was taken very seriously,” said about the house, which was nominated for the German Design Award in the Innenausbau area. I think it is an inn with plants and the fences of all four warehouses. 20,000 mare’s beds were once again set aside for the purpose of shale control. Over 1,000 plants are arranged at the green meeting points in the forest or the foreign districts of the office with a small park or the secret garden. It seems nothing has been done, what is not. Due to the complexity of the family-friendliness of the work with the home package and the flexibility of the congress, it is possible that most people place an order.

More luxurious color enhancers

The Gesellschafter and the Geschäftsführer represent the Gebäude, it is a luxurious farbtupfer of the Gewerbegebieten “Expogate Munich-Dornach”. At the Vorstellung des Hauses, de Konzepte und der Visionen wurde auch sehr deutlich, dass man die insgesamt 42,000 Quadratmeter im kommenden Jahr komplett haben haben. One of the best results is that Kapitel Wirecard has been separated from the Rock Capital Group in Dornach.