
Often criticized: Olivenöl at Stiftung Warentest, ÖKO-TEST & Co. – that’s since the Sieger

Often criticized: Olivenöl at Stiftung Warentest, ÖKO-TEST & Co. – that’s since the Sieger

Warentest Foundation

Stiftung Warentest has 23 products, both premium brands, as milder and more expensive olive oil. Now run the tester four products, so that your “gut” can be used. While the sieger acts, it is a brat olive oil. The winner with Note 1.7 is the Cosmo di Russo Caieta Olio extra virgine di oliva.

Das swiiten Platz landet das Rapunzel Crete Olivenöl nativ extra (from Amazon)followed by Alnatura Brat Olivenöl. Ebenfall’s “gut” schneidet tie byodo Brat-Olive mediterranean (zu Idealo) environs

Criticism is based on sensory quality and chemical quality. In three olive oils higher chemical mixtures were placed next to the crops.

> Zum ausführlichen Test at Stiftung Warentest


One of the ÖKO-TEST can not overload the olive oil of Alnatura. After the results Olive oil from Alnatura has been gilded as “lampant”. This oil should not be offered in Germany as a food oil. The European Commission has not labeled the Olive Lampant oil for sale in electronic commerce: “It is refined and used for industrial applications.” The manufacturer has taken the charge from the market. In total, the experts tested 19 products. Only an Olive oil cut “very well” from.

The test driver is that Crete Olivenöl Nativ Extra von Rapunzel. At Amazon this costs 26 Euro for 2x 0.5 Liter. We will always be happy again and “befriedigend” ab. The other 16 products did not pass the test. Read more here.

> Take a quick test at ÖKO-TEST


The consumer has tested a total of 15 olive oils from supermarkets, discounters, drugstores and organic drawers. If there is a brand that no longer exists in Austria, a number of products can be tested, but this is a fact here. I go to the Stiftung Warentest, where all the cheap brand punks are. Test security is the olive oil from S-Budget (Spar). The second place was occupied by Aldi (Hofer) with the Castello olive oil. The cheap discounter products thank the top products for a good rating when testing harmful substances with mineral oils and machines.

> Zum ausführlichen Test op