
Baden-Württemberg: Take a break from your hotel room with a welcome guest

Baden-Württemberg: Take a break from your hotel room with a welcome guest

Diebe stehlen Schlüssel aus Hotelzimmer with schlafendem Guest

If you place an order at a hotel at night, you can have a number of guests and cars driven out of the Tiefgarage by the Zimmer. The war is not the only Einbruch in Stuttgart.

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – A Brecher is a hotel room with a sleeping guest in Stuttgart, has opened a vehicle lock and has fled with the car from the Tiefgarage. The room was not locked after the police arrived. The car of the guests has a value of 45,000 euros. If you spend a holiday in the hotel, you can take a walk and use one of the Schränken in the kitchen with a triple bet.

Zeitgleich brachen Unbekannte laut Polizei in een beachbarte Gaststätte des Hotels een en stahlen Bargeld in unbekannter Höhe. The Ermittler can meet a few times with both. Die Polizei bittet Sows and Sows with Mithilfe.