
Francis Ford Coppola verklagt Variety nach Bericht zu Übergriffen am Set

Francis Ford Coppola verklagt Variety nach Bericht zu Übergriffen am Set

The director Francis Ford Coppola (“Der Pate”, “Apocalypse Now”) reports the Branchenblatt “Variety” weighing Verleumdung auf Schadenersatz von fünfzehnen Dollaren. “Variety” was released at the end of July with Anonymous Sows and two videos from a set of other interesting stories about Coppolas during a party with new films “Megalopolis” news.

“Variety” is with the anonymous presentation of the film, Coppola has made a set of films – a favorite project, a 40-year-long device and that is with 120 million dollars from the company’s own finances – “unpunished” have taken this herausnomen.

In one of the videos, on one of the few pages you can watch, you can see a man has entangled a young woman of Griff Coppolas. The clerk, who gives a hint about how he sees it, can insult a woman, see the backweicht and the forearm of the Griff blessing hand. In the video you see how the man goes through the tanzenden and embraces more young women and kisses them on the cheek. A little better for the announcement of the blessing, a weitere, die sich zunächst von ihm abwendet, faährt anscheinend auf seine Berührung hin herum.

“I am not happy, that is why I am hugged and kissed”

Letztere will later be discussed with “Variety” as Lauren Pagone to acknowledge. In a subsequent article of Blattes Anfang August it is described in detail how it went down: Coppola is looking at the set of the nightclubs while dancing and it is so that you can enjoy and kiss so much. “Ich was shocked”, says the companion in the film with Pagone working on Blatt, “I had not realized that I was so embraced and kissed. I have been through a war. Under it might die several times.”

Since Rayna had not seen the Portal ‘Deadline’, Coppola was not going to ask another question about a number of past matters. Pagone says “Variety”, if you do not want to weld a stone, then you can let others go before you and everyone else is set to me. “I went differently”, say it. “Variety” reported in the same history of 2. August was another anonymous Zeugin, the next Coppola was at the Dreharbeiten of another Scene over a New Year’s Eve kissed different Statistinnen.

“Old-School-Benehmen” gegenüber Frauen?

I hate the “Guardian” of a chaotic situation at the threat of the message “Megalopolis”. Coppola has spent hours in his trailer sexting and smoking marijuana, while the players and crew were playing, creating an irritatingly improvised scenes, which after being shown by an anonymous woman “do not understand any meaning”. In the “Guardian” article, this is one of the reasons that Coppola has put young women on the “Old School Benehmen” tag. There are women who have sucked their lives and become their own mountain riffs.

“If there is a bacchanalian nightclub, there are messages broadcast, which are set in a delightful way, one of the barbusigen or spärliche bekleedeten Companions of kisses,” writes the “Guardian”. The videos released by “Variety” in July seem to be too old. Coppola, 85, has left the “Guardian”, he wants to “bring the actors and companions into the mood”.

„Um Club-Stimmung anzuregen“

Coppola’s frontrunner Darren Demetre said in a statement that Coppola had “friendly people and cheek kisses” who “encourage the club atmosphere and his establishments.” The meter is still growing, but the man has walked some simple paths or a slew of Benehmen gewusst.

Lauren Pagone wakes in the Sache indes vor Gericht. In Georgia, the Zivilklage gegen Coppola and other roads Körperverletzung and roads of the Versäumnisses, sexual Belästigung zu unterbinden. If other people are guilty of Coppola, your disease is immune and you may have faked yourself.

For two days, Coppola spoke in Los Angeles with the Konzern Variety Media, which weighed the “Variety” journalists Brent Lang and Tatiana Siegel on Rufschädigung. Coppola’s Complaint will not be published again in Pagone nor the “Variety”-Article vom 2. August, so we will look into the article of the Blattes vom 26. July.

In the history of the case, “Variety” as well as its journalists and editors hid behind “perhaps anonymous sources” and accused a “creative genius” of incompetence. The descriptions are so well known, that all the occupation and crew slides of films have a denial of information that is not possible. Leave the information out if there is no “trustworthy”.

Coppola stated in a statement that there is “no view, die in the Medien zu verhandeln”, became a “meinen Ruf entschieden veridigen.” Unterdessen concrete “Variety”, man stehe zu seinen Reportern. “Megalopolis” starring Adam Driver, Aubrey Plaza and Shia LaBeouf hits Deutschland ins Kino on September 26.