
Wieso Nico Hülkenberg hinted at Oli Bearman

Wieso Nico Hülkenberg hinted at Oli Bearman

( – Huch! Nico Hülkenberg has been presented with the Baku-Qualifying (complete Session Message) of his new Team College Oliver Bearman. Während der Magnussen-Ersatz vom elften Position in das Rennen geht, kam der Deutsche nicht über den 14. Startplatz hinaus. Who knows who the Haas Pilot is?

Photo to news: "Not my best Pflaster": Wieso Nico Hülkenberg hinted at Oli Bearman

Fehlendes Vertrauen: Nico Hülkenberg triumphs in the Hinterachse



“Baku is not my best Pflaster, not my favorite stretch. It was always tough for me,” said Hülkenberg, which is “statistically seen and in all the years, in the here again is” not so focused on the Baku City Circuit sour right. “It is the ultimate re-examination. I think it is never my natural driving style.”

“(That is) natural not super, with Platz 14 kann ich nicht zufrieden signal”, is Hülkenberg’s memory ServusTV Ehrlich. “The war has not started, but passion is one of the worst conflicts that prevents it.”

Hülkenberg sucht nach Vertrauen

Statistics can call upon a strong qualification at the age of 37, one of three qualifications that exist. “Sector 1 and Sector 3 were felt in the order, but in the second sector I did not find the running time and fought a battle with the hindsight.”

“I am a whole living person without having to worry about the car and the road, it is easy to travel and then there is a road that is easy here”, while the Haas-Pilot, whose overall green environment, is very good Vertrauen nicht findet, nur rätseln kann.

“It can’t be that it gets a chance and tries”, betrays Hülkenberg. “Man has made a run with a good Fluss.” The Runde des Haas-Piloten-war begins “an up and down”, the soft drink is no longer placed in Q3 and now at 14.

Bearman-Leistung “nicht überbewerten”

And: Hülkenberg is looking forward to seeing new Team Kollegen Bearman bügeln! “Man will always send faster signals than the team team”, says the über 200-fache GP starter at Air. “I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m glad, Ollie is a road racing specialist and that is more important than that.”

Der Magnussen-Ersatz sei bereits am Freitag direkt bei der Musik gewesen, so Hülkenberg. “There is a place where you can get a good result,” while the Haas Pilot succeeds his team colleagues, the “a super Job” force. Nevertheless, the quality experience is “nur eine Momentaufnahme”.

“Ollie has a long journey for himself, his journey in the future”, it is clear from the Germans. “There will be a long career ahead of you in the Formal 1, but you will not be able to walk without it, and you will not be able to do it without speed.”

Bearman: Kostet FP3 Unfall in Q3 Einzug?

About the Unfall, the Bearman during training can help a man. “I am not natural, but I am happy with it. I am happy with Fehler dieser Art gemacht”, recalls the German and ähnliche Fehler in Seiner Karriere. “It is bad, and it is sad. Aber there is the world abgewischt and weitergemacht. Under that weitergemacht, we are stern aufgehört hat.”

“Das hat mir dies Leben nicht leicht gemacht, dat ist sicher”, Bearman himself says. “It is definitively worthless. Not in Bezug auf das Selbstvertrauen, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass ich den Fehler, den ich (im Qualifying) gemacht habe, bereits im dRITTEN Training gemacht hätte and herausgefunden hätte, who I in hätte could avoid. “

Photo to news: "Not my best Pflaster": Wieso Nico Hülkenberg hinted at Oli Bearman

Oliver Bearman has won the Q3 Einzug



Denn: Bearman is ready to perform in the second phase of qualifying, which will cost him a good starting position! “In Kurve 11 (die Rechtskurve nach der engen Durchfahrt in de Altstadt) I was already successful, in Kurve 12 I had a Rutscher and habe so fell Zeit was lost, that’s not I won in the last Teil des Qualifyings.”

“I have a bisschen enttäuscht, I have a good feeling about it, I could have had the best results in Q3, we know I am in these training sessions, both of which have had great results”, the Brite jokes about his own performance in the Qualifikation.

Photos: F1: Grand Prix von Aserbaidschan (Baku) 2024

“I am at my own heart, because I know that the car could have done better”, Bearman gives his opinion about the Formula 1 debut in Geneva from the eleventh position in the races. “If the car war has started, the car war for the eleventh place war has started, then the car war has become definitive, in the third quarter of this year. Therefore I am exhausted.”

Bearman meanwhile: “Gehe auf Punktejagd!”

Nothing that Bearman does with WM-Punkte in Blick, if Unfall is performed in the written training, the Quali-Performance is fully performed, but you do not have to run for a long time, the bereits are Freitag trainiert wurden. “Die Runs mit hohem Benzinverbrauch liefen gestern sehr gut,” says Bearman. “I had great performances in the Auto and a good Rhythmus. I was also taken tomorrow by Punktejagd.”

An announcement that is not superfluous in the competition. “Bei Bearman has seen the Ferrari-Einsatz, that is possible”, said Red Bull Motorsport consultant Helmut Marko, who has made no effort to let Bearman go in the Formel-2-Meisterschaft now at 15.

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Man must be sure that he or she is happy, one of the Rules Houses of Form 1 will obtain a Rennsperre aufgebrummt.

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“They say the teams and the teams are not that good, while the engines – that’s what Bruno Michel (CEO of Formel 2 and Formel 3) is about – are anyway,” Marko vermuted at Air. “That young age, in form 1 is different, man should be given the chance.”

Hülkenberg courts Chaos in Running

A Hülkenberg team college? Auch der Deutsche glaubt am Sonntag an Punkte, muss dafür alldings auf Chaos courten. “If we were to have everything we had to do and then we would be able to do better. I would say that everyone who had to lie next to each other would have changed the pace.”

“I think the Reifen and the Graining will still be a big theme tomorrow,” says Hülkenberg, who can never have a treasure, but one of the fehlendes Vertrauen in his Haas a punk who can be. “If I look in the right place, it could be that someone has gone wrong.”