
March for Läbe in Zurich: Gegendemo auf Velos

March for Läbe in Zurich: Gegendemo auf Velos

Abtreibungsgegner protests an der "March for Laebe" Kundgebung, am Samstag, September 14, 2024 in Zurich Oerlikon. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer)

Abtreibungsgegner demonstrates in Zurich. Image: keystone

More than 1000 people from Switzerland gathered in Zurich-Oerlikon for the March for Affected Diseases, a demonstration of the “right to life”. The Umzug through the Quartier Wurde Mehrmals was started by a left-wing Velodemo.

The organizers of the Marches for Life seized power at the Oerlikon station and the communal march through the Quartier during those years under the motto “Stand up for life”. Everyone has the right to live.

The Road to the Protection of the Unborn will take a long time, according to EPP National Councilor Marc Jost. “It’s a matter of life, it can happen once.” I can write to the organizers that in Switzerland they could provide beds for Mütter and Hilfsangebote for the family in Not – damn jedes Kind leben. Täglich würden in der Schweiz beef 30 Kinder «bereits voor der Geburt getötet».

Einsatzkraefte der Polizei, die Umzugsroute der Abtreibungsgegner die an der "March for Laebe" Kundgebung teilnehmen, am Samstag, September 14, 2024 in Zurich Oerlikon. (KEYSTONE/ ...

Das Polizeiaufgebot war gross.Image: keystone

De Schweizer Marsch fürs Läbe und wie is de Samstagnachmittag voor de Eidgenössische Dank-, Buss- und Bettag-statt. Under war weederum – roads befürchteten Provokationen on the left side – on a large police policy begleitet.

Rund 200 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer een Velodemo sitten op de Umzugsroute, “My Körper, my Entscheidung” en verzögerten de Marsch.

The Veranstaltung has a new Zwischenfälle durchgeführt could be carried out, so the Stadtpolizei Zürich on Saturday evening in a Mitteilung Bilanz. If you want to carry out the heating on the Marshes, you can check and flush out 100 people. It is nice that people pay more attention to finishing a Wache mitgenommen.

The organizers estimated the Teilnehmerzahl in a Mitteilung on about 1600 persons. (sda)

Ausschreitungen at «Marsch fürs Läbe» in Zurich

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Ausschreitungen at «Marsch fürs Läbe» in Zurich

The willing kundgebung «Marsch fürs Läbe» on Samstagnachmittag in Zurich has become an unwilling demonstration during the teilnehmende.

quelle: cornerstone / walter beeri

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Tabu-Bruch Abtreibung – this is how it works for abzutreiben

Video: watson

It can’t be interesting:

It is not that summer in the end of the month – and with the temperature dropping – maybe on the wash. But or Herbst can eat a little. These functions are perfect for the long term, a man who can drink a lot.

With Marina Abramović comes a superstar of international art in Switzerland. The performance artist has a fate with his installations during the borders of the konventionellen aus. So power is it to give a name to my legendary performance «The Artist is Present». You can take a look more than one month in the New York «Museum of Modern Art». The public war has started, in the month of August. The rules of war are simple: physical or verbal contacts are finished.