
Idiots with blinders are scamming a food sharing station –

Blieskastel – Dieser Angriff is een Schlag ins Gesicht der Freiwilligen Helfer: In der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag (13./14. September 2024) kam es an der Foodsharing-Station des Vereins Foodsharing e. V. in Blieskastel zu einer mutwilligen Sachbeschädigung. The station is located on the Parkplatz der Bliesgau-Festhalle in Saargemünder- and Von-der-Leyen-Straße.

Laut Polizei Homburg had a bislang unbekannter Täter in the Zeit between 02:15 Uhr and 09:30 Uhr a Fireworks Officer, vermutlich einen Böller, in abgestellten Kühlschrank zur Explosion caused. Der Kühlschrank, the more normal situation, life support for hardworking couples, will be severely damaged by the explosion. Enjoy your leisure time with your leisure time in the station.

Der Täter flüchtete unerkannt in unbekannte Richtung. The Polizei Homburg established the Ermittlungen and took over the population in Mithilfe. Sows that were bitten during the Night of the Defendant Beobachtungen or were bitten by the Police Inspectorate Homburg (Tel.: 06841-1060) or the Police Area in Blieskastel (Tel.: 06842/9270) report.

A Foodsharing Station is an ort, one of the most generous costs incurred for its sale. These stations, often in the form of open-ended cooking kühlschränken or regales, were involved by the Initiative Foodsharing eV or ähnlichen Organisationen. The point is that the benefits of life would be reduced, in this way, the sun would be lost, from private persons or sub-neighborhoods (z. B. Bäckereien, Supermärkten) by abgegeben and from others were abgeholt. JETZT subscribe to the new Blaulichtreport Saarland WhatsApp channel and IMMER DIREKT on the Laufenden-bleiben (click here)