
This research takes place in the Swiss Culture

This research takes place in the Swiss Culture

This kind of thing and finding some functional mainstreams in their own stimulation. Höchste Zeit, sie zu enddecken!

When you are young, you have fallen and you have a burden. From the art of these cultural activities we want to see more. We can make a solid knitting of a solid to very good handicraft at your own pace – and find. We have found a new art partition, which offers a perspective and takes on a creative challenge with an overview of delight or one of the existing conventions. And if it is not, it is so intense that it is a unanimous problem. At Fachkreisen the name has long been a Begriff. High time, this is one of the widest public world. Stage free for these eight artists!

De Hölle sees the others, he is with Jean-Paul Sartre. Jozo Brica, 32, works as a vermutlich leicht präzisieren: Die Hölle sind jene, die man in Handyshop serves muss. Brica has a self-experience: who knows more and more about how you started. If Grosi, if you are the only one, the Grosi of the Handy is available, so with ihm zu «connecten».

Jozo Brica

With Jozo Brica, a comedian tours the country, who else enjoys it. Böse Pointen, one of the relaxing Sprachflow-südosteuropäischer Färbung, gets a hint of a cheerfully sparkling goal, which a ferne a Lionel Messi-erinnert, it is first again one of the Erdoberfläche-aufgetaucht ist, next is a young elf Weeks in Amsterdam a ​​​​unterirdischen «Minecraft» -Party brought hat. His Jobs would have his power in a worse person, Brica realizes. This moment, when I make a big purchase in the store with one of the Samsung Handy products. Then Brica: «Was ist das . . . what do you feel like?! Do you like it? Willkommen in der Schweiz!» And come to the new Comedy Switzerland!
Linus Schöpfer

Jozo Brica thinks he is his own father.

YouTube channel

Lucia Kotikovas’ professional acting career quickly becomes unreführend. So when you play the 26th time with the “Schau” or “Spielerei” of your game. No, when Kotikova is on the stage, you want to have a quick physical experience. If you solve the problem, this is your problem – and if you don’t, this is one of the things you have to do.

Lucia Kotikova

Lucia Kotikova

Jeanne Degraa

Perhaps as the slightly autistic Greta in the Grimm adaptation «Hänsel & Greta & The Big Bad Witch» by Kim de l’Horizon. Or when a figure appears in a 90-minute monologue after Kim de l’Horizon’s «Blutbuch», where Lucia Kotikova has started from the flowing figure with an unglazed palette and sober nuances.

Zum Theater kam Kotikova appears after a verpatzten during a Zwischenjahr in Theater Bochum, on 2021 is the Ensemblemitglied der Bühnen Bern, 2024, which is from «Theater heute» as the best nachwuchsdarsteller abroad. What is coming next? It can’t be otherwise. Anna Kardos

It is possible that a 60-year is used in this list. On November 2, Christine Binswanger ended with the Eröffnung of the Kinderspitals Zürich on the grand scale of Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, who had been an office since 1991, now senior partner. With the children’s spital, the lineage of one of the founding families is the perfect Weiterentwicklung during the 2002 eröffneten Rehab-Zentrums in Basel gelungen.

Christine Binswanger

The construction work in Zurich is the Verkörperung menschenfreundlicher Architektur, weil here Wärme and Zweck a kongeniale Verbindung eingehen. The 200-Betten-Haus, which is a very popular pavilion, is covered by many combinations of Holz, Beton and Natur. Die Patientenzimmer, located in the sweating, upper Stock, is with large Fenstern and Holzdecken wie -böden ausgestattet. Begrünte Innenhöfe is intimate and open. Nature comes to be understood as part of the healing process. Angenehmer can give a person an Ort, and no one will want it, never figures. A Glanzstück Binswangers, there was much more to follow. Peer Teuwsen

“Ich bin gekommen, um zu bleiben!” Of course it is the first time that there is talk of a behavior. When you come at the age of 22, when you get into position, can become the best rapper of the Schweiz, who leaves a man out. Reasonable. It was a Gigi mistake, it is ohnehin, that is so erfrischend anders. It is a new single, which begins with a seufzer: an ode to the mouth. It is not even a thing, but it is still the case that the world is another. Who is klingt? Well yes, «Der Mond» is a poem and dauert 49 Sekunden. Keine Beats and small instruments, now a summary and the Power of Gigis Worten.


That’s what you have to believe first, so that all eyes are focused on Swiss hip-hop for the young Bündnerin, the 2023 with my EP «Herzklopf» demonstrating what he can: whoever he sees, comes to the matter, freshens up, argues quietly and proudly presents himself as an injured being. With the sin of humor and a flow, which lives in a tempo in a tempo, there is no time anymore, if you fragment, neither from rap, nor from pop. Who also ever: 2025 could Gigis gross year become. Frank Heer

So cloudy, soft and white, man does not fear. But in Francesca Sanna’s picture book “Ich and meine Angst” is one of the few deceptions, where one of the friends of the little protagonist is. When everyone has done it, it is worth going through the kitchen. When you see the woman in a free country, and with her passion and remarkable things: she is getting bigger and bigger, she is full and will no longer be absent, but will never come out of the house again. Frank Heer

Bilderbuch figure 'Meine Angst'.

Bilderbuch figure ‘Meine Angst’.

Francesca Sanna

The young illustrator Francesca Sanna has brought Gabe, the world of an unchanged Blickwinkel, into an aesthetic end-ring image festival. When the flight of a family is depicted like this, there is a single illustration that makes the felt different images of the mirror. When you are on a mountain and a crazy time on a mountain, the others are on the way gehen soll. It is a question of “My Fear”. During your cloudy, airy situation becomes clear: you are a beschützen and a healthy person. Only überfüttern darf man sie nicht. Anna Kardos

As a kind of shame about Ralph Tharayil, we would like to speak Malayalam to others. It really is that it is so much fun when the Inder is with Giacobbo/Müller. If Sohn Südindischer Eltern in Liestal aufgewachsen and heute in Berlin live, the Frage der Herkunft immer wieder auf ihn zurück. Ralph Tharayil has discovered the most stubborn and best child knowledge of German literature.

Ralph Tharayil

Ralph Tharayil


The Alpine Road is a Roman in closed form, in the form of a Geschwister-Wir-herumstreift, spiel en auf Autos spuckt, where the Eltern in its “stressstressstress” became a few times poorer. When the magic of the children’s magic and the shame of recovery disappears, Tharayil brings the Sprache to Leuchten. With Wort and Ton, with Theater, Music and Literature juggling Künstler weiss, «that the foundation is keinen Ort besitzt». This Saison is Ralph Tharayil Hausautor in Theater Bern, who was uraufgeführt «Nimm the Alps away». Martina Läubli

A passionate reader who is beautiful, now that the German language production is not yet a bisschen: Rebekka Salm, born in Liestal in 1979 and living in Olten, with “Die Dinge beim Namen” (2022) and “Wie der Hase läuft” (2024) both Romane vorgelegt, the zum Interestesten heard, was the young Swiss Literature with beet hat. Everything was man in his often missing, Welthaltigkeit, Dringlichkeit, real erzählerische Energie in gleichzeitigem Formbewusstsein: Here is the richness available.

Rebecca Salmon

Rebekka Salm guards Zug, Witz, Tiefgang, she writes involved, ohne plaativ zu sein, and she is involved in the packaging of the dialogue. In my Erstling there is an oppressive Dorfgeschichte from the perspectives of many different persons; In a book painted in the Zwei family, there is no mention of woolens and no lack of property. Gerade hat die Autorin den Wechsel vom tapferen smallen Oltner Knapp-Verlag zum deutschen Konzernverlag Ullstein angekündigt: Wenn das nur gehht! Manfred Papst

Once you know that the man has made a Swiss film, it is so bad. Once it is that far, when it is no longer a conventional era, the wagon and the trust stand out that the Publikum Lust has a hat, which is an unsolved case. Petra Volpe with “Traumland” (an anti-Christmas story and a prostitute), Carmen Stadler with “Sekuritas” (a house deceived by Abriss still wishes for a love story). Then comes “Soul of a Beast” (2021) by Lorenz Merz, the tragic love story in an apocalyptic setting, sensual and surreal, unruly and dreamlike.

Lorenz Merz

Erzählt, it was insulting to Empfunden, from the man to the Aussenstehender ergriffen. It is safe to play in Schweizer Film. Who can do that too, is Merz’ Namenvetter Valentin Merz. An erotic and humorous Krimi «De noche los gatos son pardos» in 2022 in Locarno has made the Wettbewerb-gewinnen with the tatsächliche Siegerin, Julia Murat. These last years of Valentin Merz with his short film «Les bouches» are the origin of the Schweizer Filmschaffens. So you should start with the bestseren of the Schweizer Films, then it will be more urgent that talents who are those. Denise Bucher

My first tour is led by Berlin. On a boat Anna Erhard and her band are riding through the city and playing, where they always find themselves on the Ufer Zuhörer. The war is raging through the pandemic. Gerade is the singer-songwriter on the road in Germany and England. With the «Botanical Garden» there is a minter in Indie-Pop-Mini-Hit that plays a while in the Ohren life.

Anna Erhard

But the folk rock of the Bundnerin with residence Berlin-Neukölln can a rütteln and schütteln, his energy and position, and manchmale power is the right force. Above all, Anna Erhard writes songs, which may remain. “In such situations, which cope”, you could say that you continue for years with “NZZ am Sonntag”. It is this installation, which is needed, a handy solution. Denn ohne Risiko is not new. If you are in English, the zeitgeist is a debt, but it is not that Erhard will not start himself anymore, if he trusts his own words. Cann ja noch werden. What is the problem? It is not possible to weld. Frank Heer

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