
Eurofighter landing on the highway: Bundeswehr-Kampfjets train de Ernstfall

Eurofighter landing on the highway: Bundeswehr-Kampfjets train de Ernstfall

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Eurofighter landing on the highway: Bundeswehr-Kampfjets train de Ernstfall
Zwischen Fichten, Kiefern and Birken: The Eurofighter lands in Finland – between a regular track or on the highway. Das war Teil der young Übung von Nato-Kräften; as preparation for a possible war. ©IMAGO/EADS

Manöver zwischen Kiefern, Fichten, Birken: Deutsche und Amerikan üben in finnische Straßennetz das Ausweichen und Angreifen. Sweden power’s vor.

Ranua – “The ability to learn from the shape of your own clothes improves your sense of style, the ease of use from unconventional conditions to a fast end result,” said James Hecker. The Commanding General of the US Air Forces in Europe reported im Defense Express While the NATO fighter jets have taken off and landed on a highway to Ranua in northern Finland – Vladimir Putin has left, with the unmistakable title of the magazine: “for future wars to overcome”. The cold war wins with a temperature – or China has a bad influence on the temperature.

Neben zwei F-35 vom 48. Jagdgeschwader of the British Royal Air Force-Stützpunkts Lakenheath is heard with a Finnish Jet-Trainingsflugzeug by Typ Hawk, which is a German Eurofighter Typhoon. Laut Defense Express Before the American Air Force, the army was painted in the fall of a war with a gegner over the entire distance of China, large American support points in the states of Japan and Guam with chain salve or other evil powers. The Luftwaffen must in the low part of the world, their flight to an unusual track in the air or again in the security.

Deutschland als Zwischenstopp: Nato-Flieger sollten Autobahnen nutzen

In the various NATO countries, the roads have been changed so that the railway would become unusable: the forces of the Cold War in Germany as NATO forces fought against the two superpowers. In the fall of a conflict, the NATO countries could become stationary on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, while they could make a flying connection from the Übersee. “Und die brauchten Platz”, who writes the Bundeswehr. Zum Beispiel on the highways.

“The Start- and Landebahn stood out as a habitual, a more natural person, who directs his Nase. And the person who had no Spielraum, fell and was a disgrace. If it is good, the part of NATO is a fact, and it is worth it if the person comes with the means that we need. And we can help NATO with our resources, our Land and the Solchen Landebahnen.”

In Finland, the Verkehrswege service is for pilot training, in Germany, if you train in the 1980s, we will keep the number of airfields high and take the time to minimize a military escalation. The reaction to the “Notlandeplätze” is a fact with whom the Diskussion is, writes the Bundeswehr.

Notlandeplatz – Start and Landung an der Notrufsäule

The Autobahn is threatened by the Kalten Krieges as “military infrastructure”; Nur de Verlegung von Bodentruppen, gepanzerten Verbanden or de Logistiek, under the Luftwaffe.

A typical Autobahn-Notlandeplatz consists of a section of a motorway of 1,500 to 3,500 meters in length, of which the ghost is 23 meters long, but 30 meters long. While the war continues, and the European leitplank that the war of the direction railways sails, is not screwed, if there is a quick attachment, it could be done in the present time. The halts were not concreted, only plugged. At the end of the track there are jewels on the parking lot, which is considered a flight through the flight as war. These areas had a form that is abrogated from other parking lot standards and additional rolling paths to the track, which in peacetime were again locked with leitplanks. Quickly immerse is Zuwege, soft drinks that are available on the slopes on the connecting roads.

Die Aktivierung hätte, von der Alarmierung bis zur Einsatzbereitschaft, 24 Stunden in Anspruch genommen. Here is the installation of the Leitplanken of the Landebahn-beleuchtung, Mobilem Tower, Radar- and Radiotechnik, the Arrangement of provisional Landebahnmarkierungen, the Aufstellung of Nachschub for Kerosene and Ammunition, the Verlegung of insgesamt beef 40 Kilometer Cable and fell more hört.

Quelle: Thomas Skiba /

In Finland, all offers from the Transport Road are close to construction – for the Bundeswehr Pilots to own an unearthed Einsatzort. There were three Eurofighters of the German Defense Forces “Richthofen” in Wittmund that were relocated to Finland as a Transport Machine A400M from Wunstorf with 23 fighters. The ‘Richthofen’-Geschwader ha für dieses Training a ‘Dispersed Operation’, after Deutsch, Verstreute Operation’, versucht, with a small small contingent and in the development of the maximum training follow of the Bundeswehr-schreibt.

Finland as a new Nahtstelle: Borders of NATO zu Putin’s Reich

Start and watch the war in Finland’s Rovaniemi. You can use the most evil “Touch-and-Go” options, also the start-up and retakes on a runway. As of April 2023, Finland is the 31st partner of the North Atlantic Defense Alliance. NATO’s border in Russia is more than 1,300 kilometers long and quickly doubled; With an unsafe situation for both – perhaps it is the case that NATO forces are increasing, such as air surveillance.

Eine Friedensmission, wie de NATO-beton, met dem Ziel, de Sicherheit des alliierten Luftraums zu gewährleisten: ‘It acts itself with a collective Aufgabe, which die standard Präsenz – 24 Stunden am Tag, 365 Tage im Jahr – von Kampfflugzeugen und Besatzugen erfordert , it is so that it is possible for the air force to respond.” At the end of November 2024, the Eurofighter of the Taktischen Luftwaffengeschwaders 74 was stationed in Latvia as part of the Verstärkten Air Policing Baltikum (VAPB).

Police information in the air: The clouds in question are the conflict in Russia

The Unit from Bavarian Neuburg and the Danube is the Leitverband of the NATO mission. The campfire imagines that you hear an alarm signal. This flight has the Luftwaffe in the 20 years that the Baltic Air Policing is in the Baltic area, in Lithuania (Šiauliai) or Estonia (Ämari). Now is the first of the three Baltic State Hosts with the Flugplatz Lielvarde in the middle of Latvia.

Before the German Luftwaffe won the quality of the nutzung of Notlandeplätzen, the Bundeswehr created a new website. In the context of the Federal Government, it became clear that the Gegebenheiten der Partnerländer anzupassen: “The fact that Finnland and other countries are important, so that they can be part of the German Kampfjets in these countries.”

Sweden is refueling Selbstvertrauen: The new NATO partner is still alive in the world

I want to show NATO online that the Sweden training in the Straßen of countries – from Ukraine, NATO get to know, while the main airports are through the war with the marshalling bodies grundsätzlich, and that for all drones for support points when it comes to an uncontrolled and unreliable Ge gner Sind – the pilot would be on a long runway in the Boden or in the Luft world.

Straßen würden who multiplies the power of the Luftwaffe and the greatest security clearance, said in Nato-Video Patrik Lange: “That is good for the Überlebenschannen in Krieg, würde ich sagen.” The chief of the Swedish Luftwaffe and his country of 32. has become the youngest Partner of the Verteidigungsallianz.

De Bündnis verfügt als jetzt auch über ein Vielfaches an Pisten – ebenfalls dicht von Wäldern umsäumt und daher übungsintensiv, wie das selbst der Schwede Lange empfindet: „Da die Start- und Landebahn viel kürzer sei als gewohnt, „muss man natürlich vorsichtiger sein, wohin man seine Naserichtet. And the man who had no Spielraum fell and was a disgrace. If all goes well, the part of NATO will be a fact, and it will be worth it if people come up with the resources we need. And NATO cannot continue to work with our resources, our Country and the Solchen Landebahnen.” (Ka Hin)