
Lost LASK Debut! Kick the Right Character Traits

The debut of a new Arbeitgeber is thorough in the Hose corridors.

Markus Schopp muss in seinem ersten Pflichtspiel as LASK-Chefcoach gleich eine 0:1-Niederlage im Derby versus Blau-Weiß awaystecken (Spielbericht). No longer do you dare to leave Stammtorwart Tobias Law.

The rain of the trainer effect is the result of: The LASK-Elf said no change in the match in the Leistungen, the Schopps Vorgänger Thomas Darazs was costed by Job.

“It’s a long lasting experience, so we don’t have to spend a lot of time, we don’t have to spend a lot of time playing games, but we’re very happy with it,” says Torhüter Jörg Siebenhandl in the “Sky” interview.

Schopp: “That’s the end of the situation, but we’ll probably end it”

Gerade in the game after we leave the LASK, more than 70 percent of the ball carriers will play the athlete who does not score a goal.

“We are still alive in our current zone. We are now spoiled, with perhaps some contacts,” Schopp analyzed in “Sky” his first Pflichtspiel with the new Mannschaft. Trotzdem: “Die Möglichkeiten were da gewesen”, see the LASK Coach who is orderly Ansätze at his kickern.

“It is not even that efficient in the previous movement. In the second half of the time…” – Schopp sogert kurz, is such a correct point about his Kicker. “In the second half of the war, the war becomes bigger. Now that the end of the day has been reached, the situation is stopped, while we figure it out.”

Schopp: “Das passion nicht durchs Zuschauen or durchs Glauben”

War of LASK in the turn of the year of the number of the Liga, hinter Sturm and Salzburg, says that it is a full-fledged konträres-picture. Man dumpelt on the vorletzten Platz and how you can play the game, is no longer so much fun. Das stößt fell in Linz sour.

“We will be happy to hear from you, let us know more about you,” Schopp will continue to tell you about the LASK. “Aber da muss man natürlich auch kosten, dass man jeden Tag etwas dafür investieren muss”, nimmt er sich und seine Mannschaft in de Pflicht.

“That’s what you do with a rauskämpfen, with ganz fell Arbeit, with täglichem Analysieren, with täglichem Besprechen. Your passion is not by the Zuschauen or by Glauben, it wouldn’t be bad, it is now über hearte Arbeit.”

Siebenhandl: Letztendlich liegt es an den Spielern

Tormann Siebenhandl schlägt in dieselbe Kerbe: “Wir müssen uns da eeninfach bei die eigenen Nase nehmen and richtig Gas geben. That is right fell work, aber da kannn itself no more duck away.”

If you are busy thinking about the fact that you have performed this task: “Lastly, it lies at the games. The trainer can give a reason, if his will, if the player would not buy, the goose on the square would make an unindependent choice that wieder raus zu zienhen.”

If you are engaged in one of the following matchdays, you can take advantage of a specific opportunity. “Einser” Tobias Lawal must be performed with a new Oberschenkelverletzung – if it is possible in Tor Stehen, it is not clear. Trainer Schopp reported before the first conversation with a medical consultation: “Der Arzt hat mir gesagt, dass man die Untersuchungen abwarten muss, aber es schaut nach einer but longer Verletzung aus.”

The right character traits for a sharp moment

Who is the Linzer from the Schlamassel wieder hinaus? Für Schopp ist das eine Charakterfrage: “Man must erase once, that is a light moment and an elegant moment. And in elegant moments the man must find the right characters who can follow the Way with him.”

Is it one of the best trainers who play a game, if they hang more? Or factory Markus Schopp schon, as sports director the directional characteristics otherwise so is?

LASK against Blau-Weiß: That was the bisherigen Linzer Derbys