
Thuringia and Saxony offered Studierenden fell Wohnheimplätze

Thuringia and Saxony offered Studierenden fell Wohnheimplätze

Bezahlbaren Wohnraum für Studierende geld is in Germany for everything in Wohnheimen. The study guide is the verse orgung met de Wohnheimplätzen aber sehr unterschiedlich, erklärt Karin Wiest of the Leibniz-Institut voor Länderkunde, the current situation in a study analysis. “Wir können sagen, dass gerade in de smallen Hochschulstädten often die the Unterbringungsquote in öffentlichen Livingheimen more favorable ist, weil these Hochschulen a sehr major Bedeutung für die Stadt haben, which then is auch the Label Hochschuloder Universitätsstadt haben and darauf angewiesen since die Students have dinner guten Wohnraum vorfinden.”

So live zum Beispiel in Weimar 25 Prozent der Studenten in Wohnheimen and in Ilmenau sogar 34 Prozent. In Berlin there has been a lot of Prozent since then, in Hamburg eight Prozent. In the larger cities, the study is often done a bit on the normal private residential market, erklärt Wiest. “The man ended up in the small town. He must become a terrifying creature.”

Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg are particularly suitable for living spaces

Once the city is bigger, the home will last a long time and listen for a long time. Particularly residential homes can be found in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. Study author in Wiest sees a relic of the GDR era. “I would say that I have a lot of experience in these fast-moving structures, we are in touch with all the students in the DDR, who are not students at home, and have an opportunity to live in a living room.”

The employment ratios of 86 percent or more, which are the GDR times, are the longest history. In comparison of countries, Thuringia still reaches the highest value with 17 percent. If the GDR structures do their work, Torsten Schubert is not. There is a business manager of the Study Association Thuringia. “From the GDR-Wohnheimen was nevertheless overloaded. Of course, it is a few locations, which can become almost German. Also, man can remain standing a little. In Ilmenau on the Campus, the duration of a role plays out. Once the engagement has started, it may be that another object has become.”