
There would be a whole mouth “einfangen” – aber nur für two Monate

There would be a whole mouth “einfangen” – aber nur für two Monate

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There would be a whole mouth “einfangen” – aber nur für two Monate
The “real” world is a concept of Milliarden von Jahren. For a few weeks, another world is a kind of “Mini-Mond” day. (Symbol image) © IMAGO/Norbert Neetz

Earth would have been formerly a sweating Earth “infant”. The description of the small Asteroids could be more exciting.

Madrid – Earth has a mouth, which it circles around. If you use another object, it is so that there are a number of Umlaufbahn-begleiten, which form a “Quasi-Satellite” with the Himmelskörper Kamo’oalewa – there are ere that last for years, a debt of its own to the Sonne. And then it is only a “Mini-Monde”, small Himmelskörper, the von der gravity of Earth became a feint in a Umlaufbahn a blue planet that moves. A ‘Mini-Mond’ would be a bald spot, prophetically a Spanish Research Team.

That is the first meter of the Asteroiden 2024 PT5 trade, which came to the world on August 7, 2024 from ATLAS-Teleskop in South Africa. “2024 PT5 was published on September 29, 2024, and a Mini-Mond der Erde was published with 56.6 days of space, on November 25, with a heliozentrican Pfad zurückkehren,” writes the Research Duo in Seiner Studie, which appears in Fachjournal Research Notes from the American Astronomical Society was published.

Earth gets a “Mini-Mouth” – “Unbelievably”, that is an art object

In the research that has been done, it is “unreasonably” that the Himmelskörper is an art object – it also does not deal with a piece of Weltraumschrott, which was mixed with a small Asteroid. Statistics can find an object from the class of the Arjuna Asteroid trade, which is being looked at by the Research Team. Arjuna Asteroid has a real Umlaufbahn.

With the bloom of the small asteroids, which would go to the mini-mouth of the earth, it is no longer possible. There is a magnitude of only 27.6 and it is very light – even for the amateur telecopy is the power of the power. This is damage, the PT5 hat from 2024 has an exciting vergangenheit. His movement lets people forget that “there is a possible exit material of an Einschlag on the mouth”, who Paul Chodas of the Center for Near Earth Object Studies of NASA has gegenüber New York Times explained.

Asteroid 2024 PT5 comes from the “großen” Mond der Erde ab

If you are on the time of the Mini-Mond, there is a woman on the “big” Mond: Technical trading is nothing more than a Mini-Mond. It was worth making the object that was one of the most complete umkreisen, in 2024 the PT5 was not tut. “There would be a grocery store that the whole world in the Erde-Mond system is enough, that is not so certain, if the Mini-Mond is a factory worker”, concretely Lance Benner, Leader of the Asteroid Radar Research Programs at Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Quasi-Satellites, Mini-Monde and the “real” Mond

A “Quasi-Satellite” shines the Erde of the umkreisen, it is a fact that it is the case that the Sonne – on a Bahn, the aussieht, as würde there follows the Erde. That’s right: The river around the sun is always in the future.

A “Mini-Mouth” is a self-employed person, the design of which is very easy to work with and whose mental environment is always fully developed.

The “real” world is marked by millions of years and stops the blue planets stabilization.

When the little Asteroid 2024 PT5 went one step further – it’s not the first object ever put on the world. The object NX1, for example, circled the Earth for the short time in 1981 and 2022, and is set to make a short comeback in 2051. Check out the Asteroid 2020 CD3 that’s currently available as a Mini-Mond. (tab)