
Light therapy may cause Alzheimer’s disease, says a Chicago study

Light therapy may cause Alzheimer’s disease, says a Chicago study

Alzheimer's Light Verschmutzung
Light changes may be a similar risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study published in Frontiers in Neuroscience.
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A new study des Rush University Medical Center in Chicago It won’t be long before light exposure becomes a higher risk factor for Alzheimer’s diseaseespecially in persons under 65 years of age. Damit wurde zum ersten Mal a direct Zusammenhang lightverschmutzung and Alzheimer nachgewiesen and the list of the general problem, the consequences of the most recent artificial light exhibition in Verbindung were brought, lengthens.

A study conducted in Chicago of the light shift for 48 US federal states

The research was conducted by Rush University System for Health and published in the renowned Zeitschrift Frontiers in Neuroscience.

“The research said that in the US it was a matter of the high sensitivity of Alzheimer’s disease and the nocturnal light exposure, which occurred in people up to 65 years ago. Nocturnal light pollution – a changeable environmental factor – can cause Alzheimer’s disease.”

Robin Voigt-Zuwala, PhD, leading Forscherin and extraordinary professor in the program.

The reason why the light change is achieved with increased risk for different diseases, chronic mental disorders and some health problems was brought into connection. He is the first Mal to die, he is a director of Alzheimer’s disease that has been re-established.

Die Studie, in de Gesundheitsdaten zu Risikofaktoren für Alzheimer analysiert en met Lichtverschmutzungskarten der 48 zammenhängenden US-Bundesstaaten verglichen, ergab one of the intensity of the night light and the high strength of the powereven if other known risk factors become aware.

The effects of the light change on health

The nocturnal exhibition can shed light on the natural rhythm of the bodiesThe regulation of the Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus is sensible. Störungen dieses Rhythmus können Entzündungen auslosenthe broader state of the art in disease research and the increase in the incidence of the disease, Alzheimer’s disease, is increasing. The Voigt-Zuwala study is not available unfortunately not de Auswirkungen von Innenraumlicht or dessen direkten Einfluss auf de Gesundheitsome may extend over the exposure that is light outside.

There Grund, warum jüngere Menschen (nach Ansicht des Forschers with genetic and relationship clauses Factors in place.

“Bestimmte Gene können de frühen Ausbruch der Alzheimer-Krankheit beeinflussen, en dieselben Gene können a major Anfälligkeit für die Auswirkungen von nightlicher Lichtexposition verursachen. You can see more people in urban areas and live a lively life, the night light exhibition is high,” erklärte Voigt-Zuwala.

Situation in USA und Präventivmaßnahmen

Trotz einer Bundesstaatlicher Gesetze zur Verringerung der Lichtverschmutzung is the night-time light load in the US in weiten Teilen des Landes nach wie vor hoch. This situation is beneficial to Forscher, which is worth it, that’s it further study of yard light is one of the most recent light exposures and the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Voigt-Zuwala however, concretely, it is a question of a meal, a mild lightening of the light supply. “The right vision is that the minimum use of a product can be made, a light light exposure that is reduced – however it is brought by dimming pre-hangings or sleeping with an eye mask”, she says.

The researcher knows that it is so the achievement that research is doing to a best research to the development of a research is another research that will be carried out.

Implications and modifications to the Forschung

These scientific messages are one of the ways in which the light-change and Alzheimer’s disease generate important fragments about death. Note on an open political issue, which is famous for its nocturnal promises, especially in densely populated urban areasThe study from Rush University Medical Center said how important it is that light distribution lighting has on overall health, landscape orientation, and the use of artificial light.

The slight change in mood would come to the fore in the back of the mind on the public health neglect and often there is a technical or aesthetic problem. Studies like this say unfortunately all-important, that is the result of a longer period of time Exposition gegenüber künstlichem Light in the Night fell even better signals could be if you want.

Knowledgeable research tasks could be done independently of others, zu ermitteln, welche biological Mechanismen bestimmte Personen anfälliger für Lichtverschmutzung machen and those who will take these risks will become more lenient.


Voigt, R. M., Ouyang, B., & Keshavarzian, A. (2024). Exposure to nighttime outdoor light (light pollution) is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18.