
The Highlights of the Kunsthandwerkmesse in Venice

The Highlights of the Kunsthandwerkmesse in Venice

The 30 meter long mirrored Table of the Salons «Celebrations» an der Homo Faber 2024.

The 30 meter long mirrored Table of the Salons «Celebrations» an der Homo Faber 2024.

Giulio Ghirardi / Michelangelo Foundation

Until the end of September 2024, the third place of all years was found in Venice, the cultural institution Homo Faber statt, which as a tribute and understanding of modern handicraft.

«Roboter could fall through the Neuzeit outdated machine. Because it is so important to begin and to exist, man was now busy making crafts: the art craft.» The war of the Grundidee of Johann Rupert and Franco Cologni, of the Eminenz of the Richemont-Gruppe, then the Michelangelo Foundation gründeten, died in 2018 the first Ausgabe of the Ausstellung Homo Faber in his life. The cause of death is the motto ‘The journey of life’ and said in a course during the glorification of the former monasteries San Giorgio Maggiore, Sitz der Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Werke von Kunsthandwerkern der Ganzen Welt.

The Homo Faber Exhibition will take place on September 30, 2024 at the Kloster San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice.

The Räume is thematically glided and reconciled, through the sea-going Object Stations and a Lebens von der Geburt to its eventual broader mirrored mirror. From play objects of Kindness over bright Artwork of Verliebtheit, Table art for lush Feiern or spirituellen Werken gives a bovine 800 Objects of 400 Kunsthandwerkern or handwerk berieben zu existaunen.

It is no longer possible to use a credit and technical equipment – ​​from stickers on porcelain and glassware to cabinetmakers and furniture makers –, but the object presented in the different space is no longer used. The emphasis on the szenography was on the Kreativdirektoren of the Ausstellung, the film director Luca Guadagnino and the architect Nicolò Rosmarini.

Film director Luca Guadagnino.

Film director Luca Guadagnino.

Giulio Ghirardi

Architect Nicolò Rosmarin.

Architect Nicolò Rosmarin.

Alessio Bolzoni

The complete range of an Ausstellern-deckt man here included an exciting and creative talent, who is also known for the Traditionshäuser, including the Porzellanmanufaktur Nymphenburg or the Glasspezialisten Lobmeyr, as well as some Luxusmarke from the Uhren-, der Schmuck- und der Modebranche – a logical consequence of the engagements of the Michelangelo Foundation.

5 Highlights of Homo Faber 2024

Mini-Monets from Jaeger-LeCoultre email

When it comes to the production of Jaeger-LeCoultre, the main partner is one of the most important programs for the integration of craftsmen. In the light-filled Orangerie, one of the specialists of the «Métiers Rares»-Ateliers brings Miniature Pictures from E-mail to the Wendegehäuse des Modells «Reverso» to: This can be a Gemälde with fine brushes on a short markengrosse Fläche übertragen. The person can also see the artist, who has a microscope that blows up the colors, an impasto-Maleffekt is erzielen, the Claude Monet with the colors she has drawn up is reichte, the water becomes more three-dimensional.

A craftsman of the Uhrenmarke Jaeger-LeCoultre trägt e-mail pigment for a miniaturmalerei for Uhren auf.

If it is a pigment that is treated with e-mail, the Schicht is drawn up for the Schicht and the temperature is increased to a temperature of 800° degrees, the paint is enormously blown up and with the risks associated, everything is lost, the brand is everything Mögliche schiefgehen kann. If you have sent an e-mail, you can lose the color and ruin the winning gemstone. Another way to know the best, is that the pigments at the brand in the color manufacture, weshalb of the art when applying fell on the Vorstellungskraft products.

When you see new things, the boundaries of the Jaeger-LeCoultre «Emaille Monet Venice» edition are extremely limited.

When you see new things, the boundaries of the Jaeger-LeCoultre «Emaille Monet Venice» edition are extremely limited.


Insgesamt are interested in the artists for an enamel work of art during their lifetime. The story of the gay faber that Jaeger-LeCoultre saw in Monet’s Gemälde, de verschiede Ansichten Venedigs zu unterschiedlichen Tageszeiten Zeigen. The result is a light Strahlkraft, which can be a photography that can achieve. Auch auf der Zifferblattseite kommt ein seltenes Kunsthandwerk zum Zug: The Zifferblätter der three Hours since with unterschedlichen Mustern guillochiert and with transparent E-mail überzogen. Please take note of your comments regarding the purchase price.

Cartier Tiger Prices

While the Richemont Group organizes the Jewelry and Watch Mark Cartier, he is busy developing the Homo Faber with final Exhibits from the Cartier Collection with historical Prezioses and an Atelier Part with craftsman. Goldsmithing becomes a new series of new Jewelry Pieces, which for a little bit forms the emblematic Panther theme of Cartier, under the Tigermotive.

Before you can offer an individual an arm wheel equipment, you can demonstrate. Defilement and defilement can blame the art teacher if the object is a special model, one of the people who have taken the Ausschmelzform form.

A historic Schlangencollier from the Cartier Collection.

A historic Schlangencollier from the Cartier Collection.


A brand new Tigerarmreif from Cartier.

A brand new Tigerarmreif from Cartier.


Every wax model is unique, now that a mold is used, it can be that the filling of the gold mold is filled with gold while it is being used. A Steinfasser can be used for a Tiger from Gold. There are figures with the bohrungen that are not larger than ever, the brilliant, the strict requirements of the levels must be sorted. Two tropfenformige Smaragde als Augen is ready in the Kopf des Tiers gesetzt.

«Mystery Set»-Schmuck von Van Cleef & Arpels

Another jewel, inspired by nature for his Preziosen famous House Van Cleef & Arpels from Paris, says another, very own specialty: the unseen phases of baguette-shaped gemstones in the so-called “Mystery Set”. A gold ring with a ruby-encrusted shield serves as a demonstration object. The shield has penetrated and has a large structure in mind. While the work is being carried out, gemstones are quenched and in an instant a shiver is made, which is scraped on the uniform shins of the metal glitters. The ruby ​​is so slit that it breaks through one of the upper parts of the image and the night through the metal parts.

Santoni noble shoes

In the Salon «Dialogues» it is the Weitergabe of Handwerkskünsten of one generation and the next. Here says that in the old Marken the Familienunternehmen Santoni, which is an exclusive Schuhe, are used. It is looked at the survival and the transport of the holders, the housing of the shoes in a closed housing, the care of the leathers, the connection of the power supply and the polishing of the fertigen shoes. A every station that yielded jewels in Lehrling and his master, was worried about the fact that the underworld has reached the more direct characteristics of the specific quality.

Von Hand eingefärbte Edelschuhe von Santoni.

In addition, the repair of the models «Uniqua Marco Polo» is a shoe with two buckles of 24 carat gold. If you bear a name, it is so that your Oberleder has been given a stick and that it will not work anymore. The blue of the foam is inspired by the water of the Lagunenstadt and can be held by hand in hand by polishing the air in leather. Mithilfe this method is intended to realize the fine estimate and color renewal, for the Santoni-bekannt ist.

Crystal glass from Lobmeyr

The über 200 Years of the Wiener Glasmanufaktur Lobmeyr is the home of the Homo Faber gleich in two Rooms: they are on the 30 Meter long mirrored Table of the Salon «Celebrations», speckled with beautiful Tischobjekten of all Art – with these painted white objects hnachtskugeln There are chocolates and kugeldoses from Oswald Haerdtl, while Deckel praises the equipment so that the man can reach the mountain corridor. And others in the Salon «Dialogues», where the conversations take place, are through the rain of Australian designers and glassblowers with some iconic sets of manufacture comb. The notebook of the architect Adolf Loos and Lobmeyr, of the Trinkservice no. 284 führte, is exemplary.

Das Lobmeyr-Trinkservice No. 248 by Adolf Loos has the characteristic diamond schliff in the bottom of the glasser.

Das Lobmeyr-Trinkservice No. 248 by Adolf Loos has the characteristic diamond schliff in the bottom of the glasser.

Mark Pock

The Lobmeyr Drinking Service No. 284 from Formafantasma features classic and new designs with copper wheel engraving.

The Lobmeyr Drinking Service No. 284 from Formafantasma features classic and new designs with copper wheel engraving.