
Life Considerations Orgel: I was so happy with my body, my kidneys were fast and entgifted

Life Considerations Orgel: I was so happy with my body, my kidneys were fast and entgifted

Kidney Detox – Tag 3

Tomorrow: Vollkornbrot is spread with fresh cheese from sick or clean milk and served with fresh kräutern nach belieben, with zum beispiel schnittlauch.

Handles: Hähnchensteak is eaten together with a meal from memory, yellow and green paprika as well as pork roast. The goal is with a small portion of the sauce served and with travel accompaniments.

Back: For the apple crumble, the Äpfel were geschält, in the Scheiben geschnitten and placed in a lightly buttered Auflaufform. They are covered with glass fiber. A meal consisting of 100 grams of whole wheat flour, a handful of haferflocken, 80 grams of braunem Zucker, Butter and a prize of Zimt will have a large amount of cracked and über die Äpfel streut. Das Ganze became 200 degrees in time, but it is still over.

Snack in between: Obst, Vollkorngebäck, etwa Sesambreze, ohne Salzstreusel, Gemüsesmoothie grün, etwa mit Banane, Gurke, grünem Salat, Reismilch, Saft een freshly pressed Zitrone, with Leitungswasser diluted.

Kidney Detox – Tag 4

Tomorrow: A healthy frühstück can be one of the best choices, with seasonal beers or Äpfeln, Buchweizenflocken and Hafermilch-zubereitet wird.

Handles: A traditional Italian bread salad can be written with the following messages: Ciabatta is first cut into slices and divided into mouth-watering wedges. These were launched with a raised button and played with this olive oil. Finally, they were roasted briefly in the oven. In the intermediate period, tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers were cut into small pieces and given in a large bowl. A vinaigrette of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and fresh herbs will be prepared and mixed with the meat. If you reheat the meat, you can cut the dish and then cook the salad. You can now prepare the Italian bread salad.

Back:There are some delicious Gemüsesuppe (Mestrone) products that can contain different Gemüsesorten with Bohnen, Zucchini, Carrots, Fennel and Seller that are used in the right way. It was worth using the Gemüse-kurz in Olive Oil and then the water was washed, a Gemüsebrühe-zuzubereiten. The soup is made with Lorbeer, Basil and a prize of Salz gewürz. Shortly before this Gemüse-gar is, a handful of soup nuts was added and untergerated.

Snack in between:For a healthy snack you can have a meal and a full meal. As a snack you can choose a sesame or salt streusel. For a healthy smoothie you can make a delicious smoothie with seasonal bits and bananas. It is possible to exert fresh pressure with Leitungswasser verdünnen.

Kidney Detox – Tag 5

Tomorrow:The frühstück comes from the rice with two egg besthen, so that the fresh tomatoes are grown and with freshly grown vegetables. Dazu Vollkornbrot serves.

Handles:Risotto with Radicchio. Dafür brät man Risottoreis in Olivenöl and a gibt fine gewürfelte Zwiebel and Knoblauch dazu. After cooking, it is a good idea to make more of the risotto and cook it with less heat. In a separate Pfanne, men den in Scheiben geschnittenen Radicchio in Olivenöl an, gibt etwas Salz and einen Schuss Hafersahne dazu and gibt diese Gemüsemischung dann zum Risotto. The goose can no longer be heated and with frischem Rosmarin-gewürzt.

Back:Baked Gemüseeintopf. Here you will find the desired Gemüse, such as beef, cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, leeks and kohlrabi, in a common cooking form. Finally, a cup of water is added and the goose is cooked with a small amount of mixed salt and rich herbs. There may be a problem with chili. The temperature is reached at 180 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes with Deckel. If eating an egg is top, the ricotta flakes and the dish are served with whole grain baguette.

Snacks in between:Snacks can consist of fruit, whole wheat meat with a sesame or salt streusel, a green smoothie with salad, pineapple, cucumber and water, so that they are served with a freshly pressed lemon, diluted with the lead water.