
Prinz Harry feert 40. Geburtstag: Is there glücklich in Kalifornien?

Prinz Harry feert 40. Geburtstag: Is there glücklich in Kalifornien?

Prince Harry quickly passed the age in the US and went to his 40th birthday party at the age of 40. Time, uhm, a new Kapitel aufzuschlagen?

There has been a large Villa on an Anwesen, which was built on Californian Montecito, the Nachbarn heißen Gwyneth Paltrow, 51, and Katy Perry, 39: Dort hat Prinz Harry, on 15. September seinen 40. Geburtstag feiert, de vergangen vier Jahre seines Lebens verbracht. Der jüngere Sohn von König Charles, 75, hat Anfang 2020 with the blessing Ehefrau Herzogin Meghan, 43, the blessing Heimat and the British Royal Family with the Rücken kehrt. Das Ehepaar was sucked into Meghan’s home, and they both died with children Archie, 5, and Lilibet, 3.

For four years, royal observers and fans have been asking themselves: Can the British Prince be happy in California? Or is it that a backbone in the homeland, your family and your friends, could no longer be what you are used to? Media reports are overlooked when there is fear for the family of the family, who grew up with Prince Harry. In a TV interview with Oprah Winfrey, 70, from 2021, a Netflix docuseries from 2022 and the autobiography “Spare” (2023), it is possible that Royals has been suspended. If you want to know more, Harry earns money with the Zerstörung blessing family.

Who else is there for Prince Harry?

Royal-Expertin Ingrid Seward said about the Herzog von Sussex for the Kurzem der “Sun”: “I was happy, after all, I was happy with my friends, I was very happy in Kalifornien.” There is a wonderful Ort, who has two children and a Frau, who lies there, was there more? I’m glaube nicht, that’s England missing. There has not yet been a long time spent, an unruhig zu be, aber ich Denke, es wird eine Zeit kommen, in der sich nach dem grünen Gras seiner Heimat sehnt.”

Other insiders say they have found the next Kapitel in Harry’s Leben. The “Times” has an overview of the princes: “There is an army and a war that is in the orbit. Die Arbeit mit Invictus is big and the vaterschaft war die Rolle, that is more gewünscht, and is also a chance of success if everything is different, it is a matter of thinking, I think it is better: who else will do it? ‘ Harry’s Time in the Army – there war 2007/2008 and 2012/2013 in Afghanistan-Einsatz – got the 40-year-old inspiration, 2014 the Invictus Games for many veterans in their lives. There is the Schirmherr of the international sports association.

Harry has submitted another proposal, who will leave his life after 2020. The deceased Queen Elizabeth II. (1926-2022) hated in January 2020 the whole world, that for the Sussexes in the royal family can be “half clean, half out” can be. A friend of Harry said that the “Times” had hit the royal family with the consequences of the divorce, but that is not the case. Der Vertraute fugte hinzu: “Aber hat er bekommen, was er wolllte? Nein. The perfect composition was true, that is zu bekommen, worm sie ursprünglich bitten hatten: ‘Wir würden gegen umziehen and immer noch Halbroyals signal’. Also haben sie einen others Weg gefunden, es zu tun.”

Will Harry be back in the homeland?

Another friend looks forward to seeing the newspaper, because Harry, who has a better life, with his friends in the Kneipe zu gehen, in Kalifornien, abgekapselt von heemaligen Freunden und Familie, glücklich ist: “Oberflächlich betrachtetet, ein beneidenswerter Lebensstil – aber für den Harry, as I know, I can never imagine, the golden exile in California is, we will end there.’

Zuletzt continues in the British Media wider reports, where Harry Zukunft sees. Who writes “Daily Mail”, the Duke of Sussex has a trusted um rat fragmented, who has a setback after the great Britain that are broken. The Princes are no longer busy with the fact that the “Daily Telegraph” day has appeared, that is in California a purposeful hat – with an “experienced” group of new friends and more projects in view. Together with his wife and the common Archewell Foundation supports Harry under other ever again wohltätige Projects.

For another project planted, Harry has an orderly Spott cashier. The Royal Expert Rafe-Heydel Mankoo has stated in “GB News” about the new Polo TV Show: “The problem with Harry, the Tatsache, that is a show about Polo power, which can be a mass publication, says, there are no big concerns.” Der Experte ergänzte: “There is a man who is a Prinz, a man who is a soldier and a man who plays Polo.” If the Dokus in Rahmen has received a multi-million Netflix deals, Meghan sees one of the Invictus Games that the letzte Sache dies.

Are you interested in a presentation of the royal family?

How are things going privately? A platform for a new announcement by King Charles and his second-born could find the Invictus Games in February in Canada statutorily and 2027 with the Australian Birmingham after the Great Britain back. British media reports can Charles his son there unterstützen.

At Prinz William, 42, at Ehefrau Prinzessin Kate, 42, while King Charles received a Krebserkrankung-kämpft, the day did not remain on the Versöhnung. Harry and his older brother are busy with the Queen’s beer in September 2022 and have had even more conversations. Deutlich sichtbar soll die Distanz zischen de Geschwistern gerade wieder bei der Beerdigung ihres Onkels Ende August gewesen sein. If the Schwager von William und Harry’s Mutter Prinzessin Diana (1961-1997), Lord Robert Fellowes, in Norfolk beige setzt wurde, sollen die Brüder laut “The Sun” Abstand voneinander content haben. No one has spoken to William and Harry.

Underneath, Prinz Harry shines in Kalifornien his Family life in Kleinen zu enjoyen. The Sussexes are affected by the community or at spazergängen with their dogs. In a speech in an Auftritt Anfang des Jahres, Meghan was described in Ehemann as “a next engaged father”. Vielleicht braucht Harry nicht more zu seinem Glück…
