
Der Hausbesuch: Künstler der gehobenen Gastlichkeit

Der Hausbesuch: Künstler der gehobenen Gastlichkeit

In the Krimis by Wolfgang Schorlau the Ermittler has a friend: Mario, who sits in his Wohnung a Restaurant-hat. This Mario is funny.

Mario Ohno is a less good shirt and a stutzt is one of the few things

The Ästhetisierung des Alltäglichen ist sein Theme: Mario Ohno and signaler Einzimmertafel in Stuttgarter West Photo: Verena Müller

Schnell mal von Berlin nach Stuttgart? The ICE has a wide range of shipping costs. Nervöser Anruf at Mario Ohno: Ob er auch am Abend noch Zeit hat? If you have no idea, it is anyway a daheim and a menu for the next tag – „überhaupt kein Stress“.

Grapes: Ohno lives in Stuttgart’s west, in a quiet quarter with small drawers and galleries. The Reinsburgstraße winds through the mountain. In the street, the chateau with the car dishes is ready in sight, an unobtrusive tower entrance in the cobblestone facade. Another fire wagon marks the entrance to the Ohnos Reich in the former blacksmith’s forge in the back house.

Drinks: The fire truck Berta is Mario Ohnos mobile catering. Damit tuckert is through the weinberge and sold to a Luke salad, sausages from the grill and other small dishes. Before the car Rosen über improvises on the location, in the trees slump sich Stare, Mario Ohnos cat settles him down. Ohno has a seat on a couch, there is a lot of beer and a hint to a self-chosen Freiluftbar with long Tresen. At the Wort „Bar“ the glasses are loosened and corrected: „Das is a Pleasure Ground – here everything is possible.“

The built-in table: Since 24 years, Mario Ohno has been visiting Stuttgart with the “Einzimmertafel St. Amour”. Since 16 years we have found the cultural and artistic events in the history of the Backstein Houses, where the ex-Frau Anna and the children lived. A man can appeal to any of the following: Look at Max and Elsa. Stuttgart’s first Kochbuchbibliothek is located in a wall-mounted Bücherregal. Die Tischdecke an der langen Tafel hat Ohno self-printed, Textbrocken wie „Und wantnn fühlst du dich enteignet? Ausgebeutet? Addicted?” Ask the guests for discussion between those with their wishes. Teller: “What do you think is a right about aesthetics?”

This text comes from the Wednesday. Our Weekly Newspaper from the left! If you are a woman, you will live in the world, what is it – and who is it? A link to a living situation with stimulation, halt and the other way of looking at the world. Jeden Samstag is new in the kiosk and of course in the Abo.

No restaurant: You can use a dining table during the „Broken Hearts Club Dinner“, while you know the wild knowledge. Seine Events, at Danes Ohno loaded guests for a hand lesson, one bought and with improvisation Happenings served, as in the tradition of the literary salons of the 19. Jahrhunderts. „The Stuttgarter Ämter sees it differently. They always think, that I run a restaurant, and follow me with bureaucratic requests“, says there.

It is a re-party of the time or the time, there is now a problem. At least two reports must be submitted and at least 50, more people are not passengers and the Table. If you receive self-willed credits from Sterneköchen, this is not the case as Koch. As an art teacher, a “social plastic” is provided in the sin of Joseph Beuys, then it is true. “The formula, where the action of the work is, enthuses me until today.”

A rotes Feuerwehrauto parks in Einem Hof

With the Fire Brigade Berta Tuckert Ohno durch die Weinberge en verkauft Salate, Würste and other Kleinigkeiten Photo: Verena Müller

Art: With 17 see Ohno for a Steinmetzlehre nach Freiburg. “I would like to become Michelangelo!” Aber die Skulptur war dann but nicht seine Ausdrucksform. Art was studied in Karlsruhe with Otto Herbert Hajek, and in Hamburg with Franz Erhard Walther. “There was a great documenta-Avant-gardist, a pioneer of the production and handling skills, a lot of knowledge.” Walther worked, who were begehbar or the Betrachter:innen otherwise with a cared for.

Mario Ohno got Walthers Assistant, traveled with his world. When they perform in New York and also in Westberlin, the artistic Mario Ohno plays a great experience. Then schon lieber Hamburg! „Geographical overview, world-wide, wonderful.“ In dialogue with Walther Ohno developed his own art form: the Ästhetisierung des Alltäglichen. If you get everything out of the dialogue, from the design on the button to the text, your guest will be the counter laid.

Eat Art: It is a celebration of festivities when it comes to cooking time – this idea is shaped by the Italian Futurists of the 1930s. Auch the Dadaists experiment with the vermählung of art and gastronomy. Perfection of the concept of a Swiss artist: In the 1960s Daniel Spoerri, Reste von Mahlzeiten and the Teller festivals began. Opened an “Eat Art” restaurant in Düsseldorf, bought it there and put it in the Lauf des Abends spontaneous Klebekunstwerke store.

Money and art: “In your small Provinzmuseum you will find your own Spoerri,” said Mario Ohno. There is an enjoyable and fascinating experience at the commercial Erfolg. Auch Ohno deserves to be welcomed with their culinary events. Anfangs bought in a Stuttgarter Galerie, but it is true that Leute Dorthin does that. The first private Rahmen at Ohno zu Hause brought the Erfolg. A menu costs 90 and 120 Euro. “I’m happy about the Runden,” said Mario Ohno and let the Blick über sein itself shape Reichsweifen. Some years of experiments are perfect or financed here. “I am currently 65, that is my last Bastion.”

Saint-Amour: The Einzimmertafel is one of the best in France. In the Empfehlung a Bekannten fuhr Mario Ohno während a Urlaubs in the Kleinstadt in the Jura, a thirsty Restaurant zu essen. “Was for a performance!”, it says. Der Raum ein Sammelsurium aus Lampen und alten Möbeln. A Waiter in the family serves the guest, passing time with the arm of the cook over time with a fresh mind. Enjoy the guest from Stuttgart and study the spectacle of guest lichkeit. Here is a Blechschild seine Einzimmer table: “Croix Rouge Saint-Amour”.

Eng gestalte Bücher und Aktenordner im Regal, een Schreibtisch

Stuttgart’s first Kochbuch Library Photo: Verena Müller

Gender representation: If you are not oriented towards Italian cuisine, then experiment with cooking and regional cooking. It happens that the white sausage with home-made zwiebelmarmelade comes to taste. In recent years, Ohno has been concerned, they die of the climb and the massive growth while they lie in stomachs, fed without meat. Many of their guests fall victim to this, but hard. We come to an end to a tradition of excessive meat consumption. “If I was founded in the body, I would be civilized at some point. If you use ‘Darm-Hirn-Achse’, then look at the no longer desire for meat. “

The Dengler Crime: Mario Ohno and his einzimmertafel in Stuttgart and we can only say that we all have an expression of gratitude: the Stuttgarter writer Wolfgang Schorlau and his criticism of the scrupulous private individual Georg Dengler. Schorlau hat Mario Ohno as Roman figure. Marios Lokal in the Bohnenviertel is a pair of Zuhause for Dengler. The band “Die blaue Liste” is famous: “Dort betrieb is nun in ihrem gemeinsamen Wohnzimmer ein Einzimmerrestaurant, das er halb Sonja, halb seinem Lieblings-Beaujolais züliebe St. Amour nannte. For the most euros a person bought the best stuff, the Dengler je een, and de many men, die in Stuttgart Kein Wunder, Marios Wohnzimmer wurde kaal zum Geheimtipp von Stuttgart’s Künstlerszene.”

Result: Ohno and Schorlau also connect in real life a long-term friendship. When „The blue list“ 2003 appeared, the Reservation Sanfragen exploded, Ohno wurde über Nacht berühmt. Nor heute is Schorlau sein “Joker”: If you are together with a Blues Konzert-veranstalten or the new Dengler-Verfilmung, go to the Reinsburgstraße de Leute.

The Father: Was it a Dengler-Roman-erzählt wird, dat Mario Ohno zo erlebt was. When the Italian family accompanies the family and Stuttgart, it is a matter of mumbling, a Japanese. If you are zwanzig, this is another photo and an address that you can find with your friend to Comer See, where the father runs a hotel. Make sure you make the right choice for Mann not to warn the Tresen. On the way to Klo, there will be more photos of the local football team that have an Aha-Moment. There is a marching to the Tresen and said: “Ich bin dein Sohn.“

The beginning of the Versöhnungsfest: Der Vater said in the family and friends here, the Besucher aus Deutschland logierten im Hotel. I’m powerless in the summer when I’m on the road. When the war of war is over, you must camp in the garden and leave after three days. “There is plenty to be done, so I will be there,” said Ohno, sighing. Please meet again if you don’t mind. For a few years, you will be happy to come see us. The hotel is about to call for war. Wohin der Vater was sucked, nobody knew in Ort.