
Claiming with 50-Plus: My strategy is clear

Claiming with 50-Plus: My strategy is clear

We will start with 50 years of working with a new job, starting from the beginning. A career review that will help you understand what you are doing and how long you will hear “alten Eisen”

Capital: Frau Votteler, would you like to find a new job?
SABINE VOTTELER: It is a fact that in 50 years there has been a Schallgrenze überschRITen. The Society enforces the labor standards with the stamp: “Jetzt ist Vorsicht geboten!”. If you are aware of the Bewerber als de Arbeitgeber-gibt dann Vorurteile, von denen ehrlicherweise auch uninige zutreffend sind. You may not be able to do anything else.