
Wechselhaftes und wärmeres Wetter zum Wochenstart

Wechselhaftes und wärmeres Wetter zum Wochenstart

The new week begins in Hesse with warm water and changing weather. Whoever the German weather service is in Offenbach, brings a high temperature in the weather and lets the herb temperature of the temperature rise.

The assembly begins with washing and regeneration. The temperature rises from 15 to 19 degrees. The service is dependent on the forecast at a maximum temperature of 18 to 21 degrees. In the North there is a stronger wind, which tells a grim story in Hochlagen.

Temperature increase up to 24 degrees

On the night of Mitwoch the people in Hessen must set themselves on public fog formation and a cooling at 9 to 12 degrees. I am informed by the meteorologists with heather and dry weather at high temperatures at 21 and 24 degrees. In the North we see a stronger wind.