
Stefan Raab spoke about a Secret Plan for the Kampf

Stefan Raab spoke about a Secret Plan for the Kampf

One of the biggest entertainers is in Fernsehen zurück. Stefan Raab felt at Boxkampf against Regina Halmich during TV-Comeback. After they won the battle by the moderator, the questions and the truth, which exercises the secrecy before the show.

I am Boxing ring hat Stefan Raab against Regina Halmich nach Punkten lost – the Entertainer undergoes all Rounds during. Even for Regina Halmich war Stefan Raab in the lost months a “Phantom” – the Entertainer is practically incomprehensible. There are no simple images – up to and including Boxkampf everything is highly secret.

Stefan Raab no longer goes to a supermarket

Damit auch kein Bild for them Kampf von Stefan Raab in the open air, entschied is ich a radical Einschnitt in seinem Private life and how completely zurückzoet. At the Boxkampf store, Stefan Raab never ended up in the supermarket again, who has a conversation with Frauke Ludowig. “It is not easy, it is worth it,” said the press conference.

Watch the video on Instagram on the following page of Stefan Raab, who now achieves his goal. When we met Pamela Reif – when Stefan Raab was once hit in the Zeit, he started using more video phones. The entertainer now has the house for the production of video broadcasts. If you see a new show, “So winnst hier nicht die Million” you should see his Saturday secret. “The war continues as long as we have to wait. We have not spoken with anyone. It is next week,” says Stefan Raab after the Kampf.

It is the Gründe for Stefan Raab’s comeback

Stefan Raab said he is happy: The entertainer will not win “So here niece die Million” nor will there be any more primetime shows on RTL. At the press conference, the Gründe was betrayed for the comeback: “Life is a process, it has become a bisschen älter. If I’ve had the time to start, then it’s fun, they’ve been fun for years, especially since the age of 15. Here is almost an entire generation that has become a major unterhaltung. (…) Since the land is my own, it is my own responsibility for our land, which is my own country.”