
Great fishing börse lasts after Rostock

Great fishing börse lasts after Rostock

Wichtiger Termin für Aquarienfreunde: Zur landesweit größten Zierfischbörse lädt der Zierfisch Club Rostock (ZFC) am Sonntag, 22. September, in the Turnhalle des Rostocker Freizeitzentrums in Kupahlstraße ein. From 2 to 5 p.m. the club performs with the Doberaner aquarium friends and other friends with the active food.

Tropical Zierfischerten in Angebot

“A wide range of tropical marine animals and aquatic landscapes were captured with their own sighs,” said Steffen Niemann from Rostocker ZFC. Here you will find other living shapes such as Carpentry, Buntbarsche, Labyrinthfische, Regenbogenfische as well as Welsh and Schmerlen. From the use of Züchtern it is likely that there are practical tips and hints. “We will be happy with our friends,” says Niemann. The ending is how it is free.