
Gordon Ramsay in the Steckbrief: Vom Profifußballer zum Sternekoch | Unterhaltung

Gordon Ramsay in the Steckbrief: Vom Profifußballer zum Sternekoch | Unterhaltung

Das Essen is not das Einzige, it was bought in the Zener Küche.

With the Australian power like Gordon Ramsay a name in the TV world. Show the temperamental Koch a man with multiple facets. Fußballer, Sternekoch, Autor und Vater – Ramsay looks at an honorary life journey.

All information can be found here on Grodon Ramsay’s Karriere en Privatleben.

Plug letter

Gordon Ramsay’s Victory

There are 30 Michelin-starred restaurants and one of London’s best local restaurants – a list that ended, by Gordon James Ramsay in 1966, but there was no war. Together with his three partners, the British set off in England.

The first part of the story that young Ramsay hasn’t done in the kitchen is during the football. When the Oxford United game has started, a Talent Scout has started. At Glasgow Rangers, a 15-year-old professional game is being played.

After a few years as a footballer you’re going to put your sporting career on a knee injury. Statistics are Ramsay in the hotel industry. Am North Oxfordshire Technical College graduated with a degree in hotel management. First dort blew his Leidenschaft to cook on.

A Knieverletzung took Gordon Ramsay away from the Fußballplatz and his Kochen

A Knieverletzung took Gordon Ramsay away from the Fußballplatz and his Kochen

Photo: picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS

Während seiner Ausbildung zum Koch zog der gebürtige Schotte nach London. Dort wurde started cooking in the Lehre community at an early age. Zudem followed a three-year career in Paris, where Guy Savoy and Joël Robuchon knew French cuisine.

In the 1990s, Gordon Ramsay chose his chef from the local “Aubergine”. Now three years ago, the fresh Koch various Auszeichnungen. Dare to visit this restaurant with a Michelin star rating. I am Laufe der Zeit who is sein Imperium. Mittlerweile leitet Gordon Ramsay 33 Restaurants weltweit.

Neben der Tätigkeit in der Küche verfasste Ramsay Bücher. 1996 appeared “Passion for taste”. Now three years of following the “Passion for Seafood”. Over the years, the work itself continues.

Mittlerweile gehört Gordon Ramsay weltweit zu de best (Fernseh-)Köchen

Mittlerweile gehört Gordon Ramsay weltweit zu de best (Fernseh-)Köchen

Photo: picture alliance/ANN / The Straits Times

Great Bekanntheit erlangte Ramsay door de seine Auftritte als TV-Koch. Ersten Schritt in the Fernsehwelt depends on a documentation at a local location. The Zuschauer lies with the temperamental British. Daraufhin is a private Sendung.

With a BAFTA Award and an Emmy from the format „Gordon Ramsay: Chef ohne Gnade“ of the British locals, who come out of the closet for them. Weltweit would make the vulgar art and the Australian version of Ramsays with the show „Hell’s Kitchen“ possible.

So ticket Gordon Ramsay private

Private hat Gordon Ramsay sein Glück in Ehefrau Tana gefunden. Das Paar has been inherited since 1996 and is married in 2023 in the following period Child. Three Jungen und drei Mädchen machen Ramsays Familienplanung komplett.

Jack, Tana, Matilda and Gordon Ramsay at the Opening Ceremony of the Restaurants “Lucky Cat” 2019 in London

Jack, Tana, Matilda and Gordon Ramsay at the Opening Ceremony of the Restaurants “Lucky Cat” 2019 in London

Photo: picture alliance / MATRIXPICTURES

Tana and Gordon have set up a foundation in Leben. The “Gordon and Tana Ramsay Foundation” was set up with the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity together. Gemeinsam is for a children’s child.

Clean consciousness? Privat since die Ramsays mit Victoria and David Beckham befriended. In 2006, Ramsay bought the Beckhams from a Fußballweltmeisterschaft party. It is best to contact the family.