
Wladimir Putin: Nach Gefangeneaustausch: Russia soll Ex-Häftlinge wieder in de Ukraine-Krieg schicken

Wladimir Putin: Nach Gefangeneaustausch: Russia soll Ex-Häftlinge wieder in de Ukraine-Krieg schicken

Russia and Ukraine have expelled the war prisoners. A message from Russian ex-members who were in the Ukraine-War, will no longer be in their families.

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  • Video says freigelassene Soldiers
  • Russia soll ausgetauschte russian Ex-Gefangene wieder in the Ukraine-Krieg schicken

Nor do Russia ever refuse to end its operations in the Ukraine and the Kriegs. The fact is that there is an end to the creation of an air flow. Insgesamt 50 Mal taschten both Seiten gefangen genommene Soldaten aus. On Samstag (September 14) the Prisoners of War (POW) were freed. But Russian men will be taken seriously and the Front will be taken care of.

Read more news about the Ukraine War:

Russia soll Ex-Detainee wieder in Ukraine-Krieg zurückschicken

The message of the American-American Igor Sushko on dem social network X (formally Twitter). In Ukraine, Sushko was born in a video of more Russian soldiers. When you’re on a bus, it’s the family that goes to the bus. Statt wieder nach Hause zu kommen, müssen sie eengeblich wieder kämpfen. Dazu writes to Sushko:

  • “The 103 Russian Wehrmacht soldiers, who were formed in Kursk and started fighting the war, have their families shocked by the armed forces in the fight against the front line brought back to their homes so that their families can return.”

Message about Kursk-Häftlinge: Putin settles Gefangene and the Ukraine Front

The message is no longer verified. An official specification is no longer available. The Russian prisoner and the front is not a secret. In December 2023, Russian human rights activist Vladimir Osechkin of the prisoner rights group reported on the portal “Newsweek”, with 100,000 members were sucked into the Ukraine war. Some of the women can be targeted and the front is targeted.

Nächster Gefangenenaustausch between Russia and Ukraine

Samstag is about a number of things. This page has 103 prisoners, including the Russian Defense Ministry. “All Russian soldiers find their time in the area of ​​​​the Republic of Belarus, where a non-psychological and Mediterranean Hilfe gewährt and buzz light, with their Angehörige contact with them”, he is in the Mitteilung. Those soldiers were zurückkehren in Kurze nach Russland. Best of Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky in Austausch.

Moskau thanked the United Arab Emirates for the Vermittlung in the autumn. On the Russian page, most of the light attacks from the Ukrainian offensive in the western Russian area of ​​Kursk were taken over and captured.

Nach Angaben Selenskyjs kamen auf ukrainische Seite 82 Soldaten und 21 Offiziere frei. If the rules of the Grenzschützer are regulated by the government, National Guardsmen and Polizists are gone, and they write on Telegram. This posttete is Bilder der Freigelassen with Ukrainian Flags. Schon am Vortag hatte Kiev was divided into prisoners. President Selenskyj spoke of 49 Rückkehrern aus der Gefangenschaft, darunter fouten Frauen.

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