
Landtag in Hannover: Mit politischen Parolen beschmiert

Landtag in Hannover: Mit politischen Parolen beschmiert

Politiker*innen promote ‘Free Gaza’ – Scripture and Hamas-Symbole an der Fassade des Niedersächsische Parlaments – and instill more Schutz.

Landtag in Hannover at Nacht angestrahlt.

There is a description of the facade of the landtags in Hannover written “Free Gaza”, here is another picture of the rotten written text Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa

Hamburg dpa-epd | A facade of the Landtags in Hannover is decorated with much larger formations of the scriptural movement “Free Gaza” on Saturday night. On another part of the building, the Landtagspräsidentin Hanna Naber (SPD) is “defaced with political slogans and symbols of a radical Islamist terrorist organization”. “I will destroy this Tat on the worst.” The police have searched for tracks and confiscated embassies. If the Landtags are inland, you can see angels.

The walls of the facade are marked by the pillars of the entrance hall. This is the story of the Täter*innen Farbe auf den Treppen im Eingangsbereich des Parlaments verilt. A memorial table for the poet of the German National Hymne, August Heinrich Hoffmann of Fallersleben (1798–1874), with the inscription “Einigkeit, Recht, Freiheit” would be well protected.

Laut Polizei focuses on the Tat on the night of Saturday, immediately before the Day of Offences in the Landtag. Landtag President Hanna Naber (SPD) provides for the factions of SPD, CDU and Greens who enter the fight. After the Landtags had left the Parolen, there was a radical Islamist terrorist organization. “We became everything that happened, that the Taters were sucked into the investigation,” said Naber. The Landtag is intended for democratic debate and is all aimed at an honest life.

No Cavaliers Delicate

SPD faction leader Grant Hendrik Tonne said: “The Beschmieren of the Landtags is not a Kavaliersdelikt, it is a Straftat.” The Landtag is an Ort of transgressions, honest and fearless Austauschs of Meinungen and Arguments. These principles will cut through the fundamental problems. The Fraktionsvorsitzende der Grünen, Anne Kura, spoke of a “Riesensauerei”. Recognition of terrorist organizations at the Gebäude demokratische institutions schmiere, “greift auch the Democracy itself”.

Ihr Co-Vorsitzender Detlev Schulz-Hendel said: “Wir welden uns von Solchen Angriffen das Konzept eines grundsätzlich offenen Hauses nicht kaputt machen.” The CDU erklärte, solche illegal Handlungen misachteten de Respekt, Parliament deserves: “Vandalism is not nur criminal, without a fight on our democracy.” Political differences, such as Gaza conflict, must be resolved and followed up in the courts of the Gesetzes. Make sure you can break the fragmentation of one of the parliaments’ most important policies through a ban or video surveillance.

If the offense is committed, the Samstag will have ended 12,000 times in national politics. Under other circumstances, parties, media and land management.