
AMD used Handtuch – was for a Tragedy

AMD used Handtuch – was for a Tragedy

AMD has been looking at rival Nvidia in the graphics card sector for a year – but without success. A change of strategy is the solution. AMD will focus on acquiring mid-range and e-introduction cards. I think Nvidia could play more and more in the high-end segment – ​​and the long PC games that you can use.

A commentary by Robert Kohlick.

AMD works with high-end graphics cards by hand

Nvidia is one of the graphics cards of PC games – AMD has not been working in recent years. The company seems to be a new strategy as Jack Huynh, says Zeichens AMDs Senior Vice President and General Manager of the “Computing and Graphics Business Group”, in an interview with Tom’s Hardware erklärt:

It may not be the case that AMD is of the Unternehmen, the products now produced by Leute, who can buy Porsches and Ferraris.

Jack Huynh, Senior Vice President at AMD

If we continue with the expansion of the Huynh project, the problem with the Einsteiger and Mittelklasse graphic cards has become bigger than in the High-End area. Entsprechend can be used on AMD Genau auf diesen Bereich focussierento bring a market share to 40 to 50 percent. For the sake of clarity: In the fourth quarter of 2024, AMD’s market share for GPUs was 12 percent, Nvidia’s was 88 percent (Source: Jon Peddie Research).

Without Competition with Nvidia at the Price Release

AMD’s Strategy Wechsel ergibt Sinn – the least on paper. If you have a big personal problem, it is so that AMD itself can use a PC game.

A high-end product can lose AMD a Strahlkraft. If the online version of the graphics card is offered, if Raytracing-Performance is no longer used, the PC game is available for a long time. If it is good, if you get to work with the material damage, it becomes completely clear that AMD’s best graphics cards do not even have a chance to get the top model of Nvidia AMD is unhooking as a “classy person”.. It will take a long time for the negative consequences of the sale to occur.

If it doesn’t work out, AMD’s plan is one of the most important things there is. Schon at the RX-5000 series display of AMD on a real high-end model and rougher in the next generation.

If the problem is in the design of all PC games, it is Kauf think of a new high-end card. If AMD works with the latest version, Nvidia does not stop anymore, The prize for top karting cannot go further than the treiben.

Although it could be that people are focused on AI, but it is no longer the case that the leadership will never change, the margin will in others reach further to increase. Later, the Nvidia competition is only a few years ago, the performance of the top products of the generation of the generation to raise deeply.

The best Beispiel here is Intel. If AMD followed the bulldozer debacle with the CPU business a few years ago, anyway, Intel is a The CPUs can be sold for years. Consider the price, the name and the stroke data are light. Under AMD with Ryzen is a real comeback possible, war with Intel that has swung, like a technological fort stride that you can use.

Mein Rat daher an AMD: Consultation euch noch einmal genau, ob dieser Strategiewechsel wirklich die richtige Entscheidung ist. If you buy a Radeon RX 7900 XTX, it is likely that your wages will be paid, but that is why a problem has arisen.

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