
Kinzig-Schule and VR-Bank Fulda have a Kooperationsvertrag

Kinzig-Schule and VR-Bank Fulda have a Kooperationsvertrag

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Kinzigtal
Kinzig-Schule and VR-Bank Fulda have a Kooperationsvertrag
Fröhliche Gesichter zur Unterzeichnung des Kooperationsvertrags: (from left) Schulleiter Karsten Günder, Servicebankleiter Patrick Harnier, Abteilungsleiterin Birgit Schultheiss-Thonius, Geldlehrerin Manuela Kaib and Bankvorstand Frank Mackenroth. © Patrick Jacobi

The VR-Bank Fulda and the Kinzig-Schule Schlüchtern are now in their long life cycle an official siege. It is possible that one of the trade transactions in the Räumen of the VR-Bank has a solid basis for a newer erfolgreiche Partnership.

Schlüchtern – Den Schülern der Beruflichen Schulen in Schlüchtern, der Kinzig-Schule, soll diese Cooperation wertvolle Einblicke in de Finanzwelt bieten. “Our development as a regional bank is a young person who is suitable for business operations and responsible lending with financial investments,” says Frank Mackenroth, Head of VR-Bank Fulda. Und: “Durch finanzielle Bildung können wir dazu beitragen, dass young Leute informierte Entscheidungen aft.”

Kinzig-Schule and VR-Bank Fulda have a Kooperationsvertrag

Bereits in der Vergangenheit hat die VR-Bank Fulda, die bis zur Fusion 2018 VR-Bank Schlüchtern-Birstein here, more information about the theme Money and the Kinzig-Schule angeboten. This Bildungsangebote expands the Grundstein for the Entscheidung, the Zusammenarbeit will put on a formal basis and its long-term shapes, teils the Bank House in a Pressenotiz with. “Our world of honesty, transparency and trust fits perfectly with the Grundsätzen der Kinzig-Schule, which focuses on an Unterstützung and practical Vermittlung,” says Mackenroth.

Patrick Harnier, Manager of the Servicebank, has made the financing decisions as follows: “The financing plans are essential, a young person who has to separate financing effects. During our workshops and trainings you can use the skills of the work to do your financial business. ” Manuela Kaib is very interested in money matters at the VR-Bank: “It is a book that does not consist of theoretical insights, but also practical If you have it since, it is an Alltag that you can use. The direct choice with the schülern is not good. “

A high level of the co-operation is the annual adjudicator training for classes 8 and 9, a file of the co-operation programs ist. There is a workshop with the theme „Payment and Online Banking“, one of the ways in which you have knowledge of the modern financial services with modern financial services.

VR Bank sees new opportunities, School practices to extend life

Birgit Schultheiss-Thonius, Abteilungsleiterin in the Bereich Hauswirtschaft und Gesundheit an der Kinzig-Schule, said the following: “The collaboration with the VR Bank Fulda is a new venture, which Schüler praxisnah on the Leben vorzubereiten. This Unterstützung by the Bank is for greater Gain.”

School leader Karsten Günder demonstrates the wisdom of the financial sector: “The cooperation with VR Bank Fulda is a fact, our vision of a new life in the future. The financial image is an unguarded component of the contraceptives that are based on an own company.“ This cooperation is a cooperation between both institutions, a young person who places high demands on his vermitteln and his optimal effect on the herausforderungen. (hgs)

An idea for two years who have enjoyed schoolchildren and schoolchildren of the Kinzig-Schule: People who live their lives, live their lives, have a better life – the App “Improved Life” – also “better lives” – fand damals nicht nur both of the Jury Anklang.