
The Skurril Myths run one of the Promilokal

The Skurril Myths run one of the Promilokal

Was it a ride with a Schimmel through Borchardt? Which Staatsoberhaupt is Silvester here? The myths of Mythen ran a Berliner Promilokal.

Look at our annual meeting 2020. When a man doesn’t want to hurry up anymore, a man can laugh. I’m busy with the Berliner Restaurant Borchardt in the Schlagzeilen der Republik katapultiert. Grund dafür: An embrace of the Corona pandemic will convince the highest Finnish minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and the Belarusian Honorary Constable Steffen Göpel.

A photo of Jenner comes from Borchardt that landed on Twitter – and is echoing the media. “The spontaneous fight at the treaty in the Freitag war is a Fehler, who is a friend after a private leader as passiert”, where Lindner has a long-time später.

The police force, which is a daily occurrence in Borchardt stattfand, hinges on a different basis: The hygiene and absence regulations are subject to the current period of the Corona phase, which can easily be locked up, so they will remain open to the public as a guest in the Berlin public. signal. This message refers to the “BZ” message. Der Betreiber soll aber schnell eingelenkt and dafür gesorgt haben, that all guests are lost before 22 hours of the restaurant.

But not only Lindner is a guest in Borchardt, where you are. While the Bundeskanzlerin and Angela Merkel have left one of the ‘Borchi’ drinks, it is so that they are some Silvesterabend. Freundlich is praised with the Kellnern – manchmal in Russian, when the mother tongue of the Angestellten is war.

Farewell to politics said that German pop culture in Französischen Str. 47. The “image” is displayed here during the “Place to B” parties. Who the people like to party: with every kind of B-prominence.

Aber auch große deutsche Stars wie Emilia Schüle since Stammgäste. The Schauspielerin rides through the restaurant in 2017 on a white Schimmel – a tribute to the Burtstagsfeier Bianca Jaggers for 40 years in “Studio 54”. Sogar Schüles geliehener Vierbeiner is prominently present, including Hauptdarsteller in “Wendy”.

I think others can use the filmpferd with Konfetti in the kitchen: the class in Borchardt no longer comes from Kalb. This means that the schnitzel from the noble restaurants is made with vegan ingredients. It may not have been too bad, the original articles of the Gastro-Kritiker der “Berliner Zeitung” 2021 were not well reviewed.

The author has opted for the “Borchi” schnitzel: “We are able to enjoy the comfort of the panade with our own inner half of the cozy atmosphere in our home. Man can enjoy the food, that’s Johnny Depp, George Clooney or Matt Damon, there is now an international guest of the locals, who is not so good, who such a schnitzel eigentliche schmecken soll, who is the Ort – the Borchardt is ready to go in the year 1999 – as long as go-to place can stop.”

Auch the “Taz” columnist Amina Aziz is about to reward and save her from Essen as “enttäuschend wie manner of grüne”. Völlig entgeistert writes: “Die Fleischbällchen are de trockensten und geschmacklosesten Bällchen meines Lebens, en wie kan een man Kartoffelgericht in Kartoffellland?!”