
Klub-Festival auf dem Kiez: Reeperbahn-Festival with 420 acts in Hamburger Musikklubs

Klub-Festival auf dem Kiez: Reeperbahn-Festival with 420 acts in Hamburger Musikklubs

Put the spotlight on new music from Europe and the world: In Hamburg Stehen von Mittwoch und wieder Hunderte Künstlerinnen und Künstler at the Hamburger Reeperbahn-Festival op de Bühnen der large en kleine werken. Whether indie, electronic, punk, pop, hip-hop, soul, jazz or singer/songwriter – in the 70th century one of the choices that the Samstagnacht made was set on the Ohren. Weil das Festival for all new music and a lot of desire, it is not a Headliner Festival. Rightly bekannte Namen stehen trotzdem auf dem Program, Darunter Juli, Kate Nash, Mighty Oaks, Olli Schulz, Baby Rose and Ali Neumann. An all four Tagen said 420 Acts ihr Können.

The Reeperbahn Festival will be held this year in its 19th round. The gilded number of branches is that the festival counts not more than 50,000 music lovers, but no less than 4,000 players from most countries of the national and international music world.

Gleichzeitig was discussed in the Bund and in Hamburg with the 8.6 million euros raised by the Festival and the important foundations for work and urgent topics. As a result, we would like to play with a Geschlechterrechtigkeit.

Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz Thema velder Discussionen

During those years, the active Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) was active in the middle point. «Gerechte Vergütung is nach wie vor Thema. A new twist comes from the intelligent intelligence of Reeperbahn-Festival-Geschäftsführer Alexander Schulz of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Hamburg. Kernfragestellung sei: «Was it eigentlichen the inhalation for the KI together and restore the inhalation?»

It is a party at the festival that is a thank you and promotion in the industry. “There is no solution to that.” If a message has to be posted first, the mess bar is also made. Under first in the Anschluss the rate could be sold. The theme KI is at the Festival of the Discussion Exhibitions. “I would have reached a lot of müssen and the height of the flight after vorn,” said Schulz.

Right movement with influence on culture and environment?

Another theme at the Festival – and in the industry – is the Lawsuit in Germany and the Einfluss on Culture. “Had the music, music economy and art teacher become an anti-democratic movement?”, said one of the most important fragments in the music industry, such as Schulz kurz for the landtagswahl on the Sonntag in Brandenburg, while the AfD-ergebnis had a strong power. We position ourselves in the industry as the vulnerability, through the political criticism of women, the culture in a Bundesland schneller strichtt is, when a right party participates in power. Also zu dem Thema will leave the branch intensively. The Umgang with right at the Hamburger Digital-Konferenz re:publica discussed, which is not at the Festival site to guest.

In the clubs you can use the music in the foreground. Many young talents raise large court prizes in the air during the Reeperbahn Festival. An international leap in life can be made. Best Beispiel: Ed Sheeran, who visited his Auftritt in Hamburg in 2011, made a Plattenvertrag klarmachen konnte there. “There is a talented talent show with hand-picked art and art lovers, a marketplace for European music,” says Schulz. A special push gives the Anchor Award. The Nachwuchspreis will take place on Saturday and one of the nominated acts will be performed.

All visitors in the clubs on the Platz zum Hören en Tanzen will receive an Ampel system from 2024. So in the Festival App with the Ampeln, the active playing time of the Spielstätten is such that there is no other reason to go to the club.

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