
What you need is the following: Dieses Lebensmittel sollten Sie laut Study girls

What you need is the following: Dieses Lebensmittel sollten Sie laut Study girls

It was a company that would never think of Gramm Salz per Day for consumers again, it was a Teelöffel entspricht. The most important thing is that most people are more zu sich. According to a research by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Agriculture, the cut-off salt intake of women in Germany is 8.4 grams per day, for men around 10 grams. And that is often incomprehensible.

“Ein Großteil des täglichen Salzkonsums stems from ‘vertecktem Salz'”, explains Daniel Dürschmied, Mitglied im Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Herzstiftung and Cardiology Director of the Medical Clinic of the University Medical Center Mannheim. “It doesn’t come from the salzstreuer, but the kitchen is unnoticed about backup products, fertig products, healthy snacks and fast food.”

For comparison: A bratwurst contains about two grams of salt, a deep-fried pizza contains about five grams. If you eat a healthy portion of meat, a whole-wheat sandwich will get you a quick serving of one gram, a 150-gram serving with a rotkohl 1.5 grams.