
Krankenhaus Büren: Land will help

Krankenhaus Büren: Land will help

The North Rhine-Westphalia initiative “Bau.Land.Partner.” involved the city and community in the activities of undeveloped or abandoned land, i.e. areas that were to be used for construction purposes.

You are welcome to join us for the year 2024 festival: Neben Aachen, Leichlingen, Wachtendonk, Lage, Delbrück, Leverkusen, Oberhausen, Wiehl and Rüthen will also benefit from the local communities. When the national Entwicklungsgesellschaft NRW Urban is founded, the program of the ministeriums of the program ended up in a press release from the ministeriums for the Home, Communities, Construction and Digitalization.

“Brachflächen is an offense against the city and the community. With ‘Bau.Land.Partner.’ Woolen can shear these waves and activate brachflächen through the Bauflächen. These communities became NRW Urban Unterstützt with know-how and personal experiences. Der Schlüssel zur Aktivierung von mehr Bauland liegt im Dialog“, said Ina Scharrenbach, Minister for Home, Community, Construction and Digitalization at the Vorstellung der ausgewählten Communen.

Make sure that the land control no longer works and that the barriers are opposed by the wind. These are protected by the moderation of property and communities, management of gross costs and erlösbetrachtungen or einschätzung der ökonomicen and legal power of the management of land, so the minister in more.

Since the age of 14 years, we are not in the same home as a Bürener Krankenhaus.
Since the age of 14 years, we are not in the same home as a Bürener Krankenhaus. Photo: Johannes Büttner

For the food supply it is possible to use the most common Freiflächen with the Fläche des ehemaligen St.-Nikolaus-Krankenhaussen. “If we have a problem with the trade in the Krankenhaus, it is a fact that an honest Handhabung, a Detwicklung of the drängen, will not think more than the Area-mitzudenken. The Support through the program ‚Bau.Land.Partner.’ is the search for a contact and an incentive process, which still stands at the beginning.”

With „Bau.Land.Partner.“ NRW Urban is ready in the ministries for the Home, Community, Construction and Digitization of a notable Aktivierung Rahmenbedingungen, with a planning legal and economic Möglichkeiten.

If you see the Bürener Fläche Entwicklungsschritte in the Rahmen des Förderprogramma’s, you can follow the background information and experience the possible consequences.

In April 2010, the Insolvenzverfahren am Bürener Krankenhaus became final. This happened in 2006 at the Marseille-Kliniken AG in Hamburg near the Krankenhaus. In October 2010, the last patients in the hospital lost more than 150 years of history. Zuletzt has seen the negative Krankenhaus-negative Schlagzeilen, as 2020 from Youtuber “ItsMarvin” said, how light the war is, in Krankenhaus-einzudringen and dort tausende Patientenakten einzusehen.