
Innsbruck Nature Film Festival (INFF): Wir sind alle eins

Innsbruck Nature Film Festival (INFF): Wir sind alle eins

“Wir sind alle eins” – unter diesem Motto bring the Innsbruck Nature Film Festival 2024, from October 9 to 13, our planet is on the Leinwand.

INNSBRUCK. The Innsbruck Nature Film Festival (INFF) takes place from 9 to 13 October and continues until 23 Mal statt. The motto “We Are One – Wir sind all eins” is a reflection of the great diversity of experiences in the world. A great way to make films and reflect, to meet filmmakers, art lovers and nature lovers and to engage in a sustainable Zukunft.

The “Grüne” Teppich is turned out

When one of the most renowned nature film festivals rolls out the “green” teppich for 65 unusual films during INFF 2024, which have to do with nature, the climate and the environment. The very exciting documentaries, fesselnde Green Arthouse films and profound animations, are lonely, inspired and moved to be renewed by their trade. Already in those years, nature in Innsbruck Metropol-Kino is a big stage, one of the gebührend gewürdigt wird.

“We are all one”

The theme ‘We are all one’ is brought through us, about the great diversity of life and there is thought. The festival can be continued with a beautiful program, the grateful trennung will stimulate the man and the nature of the hinterland and nature. It is not that there is a problem with obtaining an object, but as one of the western affairs, which offers the only solution, it will be a self-conscious issue.

The opening film

Nature for the lentil

  • There Opening film “Follow the Rain” (October 9)vermittelt dies Theme perfect. There is no way to make a discovery trip into the world of the pill, said his conflicts with the conversion, his separated role in the system system has erde and his potential in the fight to make the global climate walk. This film, together with further successful contributions such as “Animal Pride” (October 9)der Homosexuality in Tierreich beleuchtet, und “How to Blow Up a Pipeline” (October 9)Another analysis of the climatic conditions can find the light that the path of the results of all research on our planets falls. Spandex A glimpse into the World of Science spreads the Science Glimpses of the University of Innsbruck, scientific partner of the Festival.
  • Another culture Ereignis is based on relationships and connections with people October 11. The most relevant images of Künstler, Drehbuch author, Film director and Environmentalist Edgar Honetschläger are guests with a performance with a theme. There are signals Film “Midas Ants” (October 10) Sayings and the diesjährige Speech at the feierlichen Eröffnung des Festivals am 9. October stops. Ben 10. October deck “Orca Black & White Gold” the booming illegal trade in orcas – from giant Aquarien in China to his Russian Schwarzmarkt handler – and pursues a risky operation for these majestic loans.
  • More movie highlights are “Jane Goodall” (October 10), “Food for Profit” (11.October), “Fiery Fox” (October 11), “An Otter Love Story” (October 12) and “Wildnis 2.0” (October 13).
  • Ben Saturday October 12th Norman and Vanessa Glatzer read from their book “Fast zu wild, um wahr zu sein”. Common journey will continue with his whole life, but also a hidden life and life, who the life and the orten in the larger is, who in the small is, can connect. During the award ceremony you can enjoy the award ceremony.
The movie

Innovation Program and Experience

There are many people who encounter an organism. So in 2024 there is no more spectacular film appeared, but also discussions with film makers and experiences in the film and the film. There is a bisherigen program where a Schwerpunkt on the Connecting nature and art is laid. Zahlreiche Film makers were personally in Innsbruck with their guest and their work presented and with the published audience. In the Green Arthouse series in Metropol the film was marked, the border of the environmental experiences was newly closed. Whole in the sign of nature and environment with the inff 2024 also zhlreiche Erlebnisse draußen. Spectacular views spread e.g.: Alpine physics in the hafelekar and star observation in street astronomy on the Inn Bridge. It can happen that the functions of the messengers often remain hidden while they go unnoticed in the foyer of the Metropol-Kinos. If there is no other way, this can no longer be a problem, but the costs of the messengers.

Partnerships und Auszeichnungen

Inff 2024, the organization of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Green Film Network (GFN) – an international film festival and the Alpine Conference will organize. The festival will be more Auszeichnungen verleihen, that is to say that this year the Biodiversity Award of the Nature Conservation Association of Austria, the Water Award of the Innsbruck Municipal Authority and the Quality of Life in the Alps Award of the Alpine Convention will be awarded.

A festival for everyone

Das inff 2024 is no longer for Filmemacherinnen and Filmemacher, Künstlerinnen and Künstler, Aktivistinnen and Aktivisten and Naturliebhaberinnen and Naturliebhaber – it is a festival for jede and jeden. If Ort der Begegnung, der alle Men egal met welchem ​​Hintergrund willkommen heißt and dazu endlädt, with der Nature and miteinander Verbindung zu treten. Ob Einheimische or Besucherinnen und Besucher der Region, the festival is held for Jews. From interactive presentations to outdoor experiences, the New Year 2024 is an attack on everything. Auch in diesem Jahr gives you a Festival ticket a free Hin- and Rückfahrt with the
Public IVB lines! All information about the festival can be found at

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